New house

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Ronnie Anne's POV

I was walking around the building wandering around when I heard shrieks I go back and see the cats tearing up the place my family runs out they grab me arm and drag me


We were told we can't go back in our apartment cause the cats ruined everything and it'd be ready in a week I got a call from Lincoln

Abuela: what are we gonna do now

My family groaned

R: hey Lincoln

They all turned to me

L: hey

R: hey is it ok if I stay with you for a couple days my family will probably go to a hotel but-

They immediately pushed me and grabbed my phone


L: uhh I'll call you back

He hung up I glared at them and carlota helped me up

R: guys they already live with 12 people I think they'd only take me and Bobby if we're lucky

Carl: but I love their house

Cj: they have the best food

Carlota: and me and Lenny get along so well

Family: yeah

R: guys face facts it not gonna work

A: fine

R: thank you now Bobby let's grab some clothes and go over to their house

B: I don't think we can go outside

We looked in the window the cats hissed and shut the window how do they do that

R: we'll borrow some from them

After a few minutes we all said goodbye and me and him got in the car we drove off and I called Lincoln again

R: hey

L; hey is everything ok

R: yeah but seriously can me and Bobby stay at your house a couple of days

L: I don't know

R: come on we're already on our way and if you say no I'll punch you in the face

L: (sarcastically) well cause you asked so nicely

I rolled my eyes

L: fine

R: yay

L: see ya

R: later

I hung up after an hour we got there we knocked on the door we could hear loris squeal we heard footsteps running down the stairs she opened her door and threw herself in Bobby's arms I walked inside


I heard footsteps upstairs he walked down stairs

L: hey

R: sup

We fist bumped and went to his room


I was sitting next to Lincoln at the dinner table everyone walked in and screamed

R: oww my ears

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