Not what he seems to be

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Tomikas POV

I was in class doodling in my notebook the teacher walked up I smiled

?: can you watch Ellie again after school

T: of course

She smiled I smiled back and the bell rang everyone left if your wondering who Ellie is she's her daughter I babysit kids it seems lame but I actually am pretty popular cause of it the mean girls are nice to me cause I take care of their little sisters, the jocks like me cause I relate with their siblings  everyone's nice to me it's actually pretty cool I was at my locker I checked my schedule ok I'll be babysitting Jacob and Ellie at the same time cool I'm the "good girl" I'm a teachers pet, I get good grades, all that stuff


I was with a new client; Sabrina she looked like

she's six it's Friday night don't get me wrong I go to Party's and stuff but there's only a small party tonight so I'm not gonna go

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she's six it's Friday night don't get me wrong I go to Party's and stuff but there's only a small party tonight so I'm not gonna go

S: I have an older brother

T: really? What's his name

I said as I handed her some apples and peanut butter

S: it's zackie

T: (chuckles) really

S: yeah he's the sweetest he gets me ice cream and candy and tucks me in at night and says he loves me and picks me up at school

She kept rambling on saying "and" a lot I smiled at her after a few minutes the door rang I looked through the peephole and see Zack he's the schools bad boy he's hooked up with every girl i open the door confused

T: uh hey Zack

Z: where's Sabrina

He said annoyed getting straight to the point

T: she's in the kitchen why do you know her

Z: she's my fucking sister now can you get her

T: oh your Zackie

He sighed annoyed

Z: get her I'm not in the mood to talk

T: ok ok

I walked to the kitchen and picked her up she squealed I went back to the door

T: here

I set her down she immediately hugged his leg and looked up

S: zackie zackie I like her I wanna stay

Z: we have to go home

S: no we play games and eat snacks and watch Elmo

Z: (rolls eyes)

S: I wanna come back here

Z: shes coming back tomorrow

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