I call it like i see em

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Tomikas POV
My name is Tomika, I'm 15 a tomboy I don't have any friends not many girls wanna be friends with a tomboy but got some girls from the skatepark I love video games horror movies and anything dangerous ooh dirt bikes I was walking to my new school "William b Travis prep" I hate it already I'm wearing a skirt anyway I go in and end up talking with this blonde haired girl we go to class we were talking when she slipped this boy catches her
T: hey thanks hairgel
?: hairgel? Seriously
T: that's my official nickname for you
?: what if I had caught you
T: same ill call you your real name if you were cute so hairgel is something that is in my new vocabulary
She hit me and smiled at him
S: thanks for catching me
?: no prob
He sat down she quietly sighed dreamily and sat down I rolled my eyes and did to
Freddys POV
After class I went to my locker me and my buddy zack were talking when I see the girls from before talking at one of their lockers I'm assuming, their cute zack is looking at the brunette I'm staring the blonde down
F: so you into the brunette
Z: a little
F: she's tough earlier I saved the blonde from falling she called me hairgel and said she'd call me my real name when I was cute than she told me that hairgel was now in her vocabulary
Z: damn well I like a challenge
You guessed it were fuckboys we go up to them
?: oh hairgel
She hit her
?: fine umm...dick
?: are you kidding
?: fine douche
?: no
?: right..there's two of them doucheS better?
?: I am so sorry for her I'm summer
?: and I'm "get the hell out of my face"
She walked away zack chuckled and followed me and summer talked a little
Tomikas POV
Look my brother is a fuckboy I know their game I know their pick up lines and I know how to avoid them I know when they say "uh huh" they're wondering what your like shirtless I know when they nod their head their thinking of all the times There gonna fuck you and I know that when they say "yeah I totally agree" they're really imagining the conversation their gonna have with their friends saying they fucked another girl he caught up with me and turned me around he smiled I ignored the player smile and tried to leave
?: can we talk
T: no thanks
?: wanna go out
T: no thanks
?: your name?
T what part of no don't you get im trying to be nice but leave
?: why
T: your a fuckboy
He froze
T: my brothers one I know all your tricks or all your lame ass pick up lines and when you say uh huh your really wondering what I look like naked I'm out
?: one date
T: no bitch
?: I'm not gonna stop bugging you till you do
T: (groans) you suck
?: my names zack
T: I don't give a shit
Z: your name?
T: Tomika we good? Great bye
Z: pick you up at 7
I walked away and went to summer I told her
S: dammit why do all cute guys have to be fuckboys
T: I don't know
S: I already agreed to a date
T: how'd he ask you if he says "so you me 7?" He's a good guy or "what time should I pick you up" means he's a Fuckboy
S: the second one
T: oh summy
S: I'll cancel
She left she came back after five minutes
T: so
S: he wouldn't let me
T; god their annoying
We groaned
I was at my house wearing

there's two of them doucheS better? ?: I am so sorry for her I'm summer?: and I'm "get the hell out of my face"She walked away zack chuckled and followed me and summer talked a littleTomikas POV Look my brother is a fuckboy I know their game I kno...

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Without the rose jacket I was waiting in the living room when Hudson my brother came in he's my twin and a complete Fuckboy
H: ooh where's my little sis going all dressed up
T: I'm older
H: we came out at the same time holding hands
T: whatever
H: so where
T: date
H: ooh
T; with a fuckboy
H: ooh
T: he said he wouldn't stop bugging me till I did
H: damn good tactic
T: (glares)
H: what if he got you your impossible especially with fuckboys
T: second I saw him I knew
H: sorry but at least you recognized him
T: that's the only thing a Fuckboy brother is good for
H: (thumbs up)
The door rang he smirked I saw zack in the window
H: I'll get the bat
I opened the door and went out closing it behind me quick
Z: your eager
He smirked
T: no its so my brother won't kill you
He looked at me up and down then stopped at my chest I crossed my arms he took me to the car we drove off
Z: well you know I'm a Fuckboy so I'll get right into it
He put his hands in my pants and started rubbing my you know
T: Zack shut the fuck up drive and stop-
He pushed his fingers in I gasped it stung a little
T: ok one oww not ready for that and two what the fuck stop
He didn't he moved his fingers I hit him but he pushed them in more
Z: don't make me mad princess
T: I'll do what I want and don't call me that
Z: fine...slut
T: hey
Z: that's what you are for going on a date with a Fuckboy
T; you made me
Z: (scoffs) bitch
I glared we pulled up at this mountain there was a picnic we got out I didn't want to talk to him but he squeezed my thigh or told me he'd rape me if I didn't talk
T: can we go
Z: I'm not afraid to take you into that backseat and pound into your pretty body so I'm feeling parts of you no boy has felt before
T: shut up
Z: don't worry I'll make you feel good soon
T: I fucking hate you
I took out a book
Z: where did you-
T: brought it
I started reading he threw it and layed me down he started kissing me I don't know why but I kissed back I don't know why it's just a small kiss he didn't pull away and I couldn't my head was against the ground and he held me to the ground I didn't even try to pull away sorta enjoying it, his hand started rubbing my thigh under my skirt to my ass he started sucking my neck I moaned and he squeezed my ass I gasped he cut off my gasp by kissing me I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me, then I remembered he was a Fuckboy I couldn't pull away I just stopped kissing him and pulled away slightly my head was against the ground I couldn't do much
Z: baby what's wrong
T: take me home I'm not your baby and your a Fuckboy
Z: baby...
His hand rubbed my leg under my skirt again and under my underwear I pushed him off me and got up and got in the car he sighed and got in the car
T: start the fucking car and take me home
He kissed me before I knew it were in the backseat of his car with the seats down making out with him shirtless he took off my skirt and I let him than my underwear, I kissed him again he took off his pants I deepened the kiss and he took off is underwear he thrusted into me I moaned loudly he kept going, i started kissing his neck I kissed him roughly and he went down I moaned again biting my lip I don't care if he's a Fuckboy I'm enjoying this to much he came back up and kissed me
T: my turn
He smirked I went down and you know
I put on my skirt that's when It sunk in I just gave my virginity to a Fuckboy
T: we just had sex
Z: yup
He kissed my cheek and went near my ear
Z: you and me became one you gave me hickeys I went down on-
T: I know you- nevermind
Z: can't avoid it princess
T: please don't tell anyone
Z: you know I can't promise that
T: Zack please I-I made a mistake
Z: one that's gonna happen again
T: but-
Z: or I'll tell everyone, so we're gonna fuck again right here right now
I nodded my head and he laid me down
He hasn't left me alone it sucks he told me not to wear underwear today I hated it I was at my locker he came up summer got out of Freddy
Z: hey baby
T: (coldly) zack
He reached under my skirt and smirked
Z: good girl
T: shut it kwan
Z: you mad? Need me to fuck you again
T: leave me alone
Z: no can do
He left I went to the bathroom in one of the stalls and put on some underwear hoping he wouldn't want to do it today
We were making out in the boiler room against the wall he started taking off my skirt ugh again
Z: baby..
Shit the underwear
T: I-
Z: you went behind my back and did this
T: I mean-
Z: and now your getting punished
He took them off and his he pushed in really hard he soundproofed the place I screamed
I got on my skirt god that hurt
Z; you gonna do that again
T: no
Z: no what
T: I'm not calling you that
Z: you really are begging for that hole aren't you
T: (mumbles) no daddy
Z: what was that princess speak up
T: no daddy
Z: good girl
T: just leave me the fuck alone
Z: like I said no can do
I groaned and tried to stand up but he sat me down
Z: were ditching class
T: In a smelly janitors closet
Z: were in the boiler room
T: I hate this place
Z: hey
T: not as much as I hate you
After a few minutes I fell asleep
I woke up he was next to me I tried to stand up but couldn't feel my legs I fell down I groaned
Z: I told you not to go against me
T: ugh I hate you
Z: I hate you to
T: than why are you doing this
Z: cause I hate you but love your body
T: shut up
He took off my clothes and got on top of me I just had my bra on
T: I'm to sore
He ignored me I sighed annoyed
T: daddy I'm sore
Z: don't care
T: daddy please
Z: sorry
T: but-
Z: no
T: no not again
Z: and what's stopping me
I pushed him off and got on my clothes
Z: you really ruin the fun
T: and you really ruin my sanity
Z: that's me
T: ok we had one night together can you not hold it over my head you have a million girls lining up for you why am I one of them
Z: your hot
I flipped him off
Z: what
T: I'm gone
Z: can't walk
T: I don't give a rats ass
He pinned me down
T: Zack stop being a pervert and-
Z: shut up or suck my dick
I shut up immediately
Z: now were talking look there's nothing wrong I'm just playing with my new toy
I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out I didn't want to do that
Z: glad your coming to your senses
I looked down I just let him do what he wants to me I don't care at this point
I was making out with him in the recording studio I just wanted to get it over with so I started unbuttoning his pants he smirked against the kiss he turned me around so I was facing the wall and slipped off my clothes he stared at my ass
T: you done
I moved my head towards him not looking at him
Z: maybe maybe not
T: god zack I just want to get this over with why do you think I'm not fighting back just rape me and let me go
Z: not yet
I turned around he whistled I glared
T: just fucking do it
Z: not yet
I got on my clothes
Z: hey what did i-
T: No ok do it quick and we can leave stop making this my hell I never did anything to you I made a mistake zack stop holding it over my head stop coming back with Fuckboy responses and stop acting like I love you I fucking hate you oh and news flash when a girl is screaming, crying and begging you to not fuck her I think it means SHES NOT INTO YOU now your probably gonna get mad and punish me by fucking me till I can't walk for days I honestly don't care just do it already
He pinned me against the wall pissed
T: you finally gonna do it
Z: shut it you little brat
T: I am literally letting you fuck me just do it god your so annoying
He tried to rip off my clothes I pushed him off
T: just let me do it your not scaring me I'm just mad
I took them off he just stood there his face softened I only had a bra and underwear on
T: you gonna do anything
Z: to-
I groaned and took off his jacket I tried to take off his shirt he pushed me away
T: make up your mind
Z: shut up
T: ok first your a mean,then your mad, then sorta showing emotions and now this just fuck me and we go to class or don't and we leave it's that easy zack
Z: i-
T: no talking just do it
Z: touché
T: exactly you should be happy
Z: I'm not tho
T: well than I can't do anything about it
Z: yes you can
T: how
Z: love me
T: Zack you only like me for sex
Z: why do you keep saying that
T: cause it's what you do it's what you've been doing since we met raping me and now I've just accepted it so just do it already and you don't love me you can't do that to the one you love
He started stroking my hair
T: what are you doing
Z: trying to calm you down
T: I'm fine
Z: princess your upset
T: shut it kwan
He kissed me softly I started taking off my underwear he grabbed my hand not breaking the kiss and put it around his neck he pulled me closer and I wrapped the other one around his neck I don't know maybe sex wasn't the only thing on his mind maybe it was love I don't know ok I've never felt love I lifted my leg against his he pulled away
Z: Tomika..
T: what's wrong
Z: don't, just kiss me
He kissed me again I kissed back a little confused isn't that what he wants: sex I just stopped wondering and enjoyed the kiss
Me and him were on the couch we just stayed there I played with his fingers while he went through Instagram I leaned on his shoulder and watched him do that I kissed his cheek
T: I'm confused
Z: don't question it
T; so you'll stop raping me
Z: (nods head)
I smiled

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