Teen pregnancy

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Lizzies POV
I'm fifteen we were on the bus Gina looked extra happy, we got off and saw dylan she came up to us
G: guys is there something you wanna say to me
E: umm hi?
G: gonna comment about today
T: it's a nice day
Her smile fell she walked away to the tower sad walking past us Tyler smiled
T: that was great guys
He held his hand up to high five us we got confused
D: what was great
T: guys she's not here you can stop acting
L: acting?
T: do you not know what today is
E: what?
T: it's ginas birthday
T: oh my god I made a group chat Dylan you were supposed to get her favorite cake German chocolate Lizzie that baby pug she's been begging her mom to get for the past five months and Eric the presents
D: how did we forget and you remember
T: ok lizzie you distract her we'll get the stuff
L: ok
I left she was in the tower sitting down playing with her fingers
L: hey
G: oh hi
L: so we forgot your birthday
G: (glares)
L: ok turns out Tyler had remembered and told us to get stuff we just didn't read his text
G: Tyler remembered? Don't believe you
I showed her the group chat
G: wow that's a really low bar
We laughed I told her they were planning something but wouldn't tell her what
Ginas POV
I'm turning sixteen Tyler turned seventeen a few weeks ago everyone else is fifteen, she took me somewhere and blindfolded me when I opened my eyes every one popped out we were at my house it was decorated I smiled and hugged them
T: ok well this present is restless
He handed me it
T: I got you it
It moved
G: am I supposed to be happy
T: just look
Before I could open it the lid lifted up I saw snowball the puppy I've been wanting for months I go to the pet store every weekend to see it
I hugged Tyler immediately and pulled it out and hugged the pug
G: a puppy
T: your moms not gonna be happy
M: why won't I-oh hell no
G: snowballs here
M: no no no
T: come on it's a cute present
G: how'd you know
E: were ninety nine percent sure he's a stalker he knew about your birthday, snowball,your favorite cake and your favorite type of clothes
T: ok one I asked her mom and dad about those stuff and two I found out about snowball when I went to the mall she was playing with it and when I asked the store owner she said she was there every weekend to see him
G: and now he's mine
M: I'm taking it back
G: like hell you are
D: I got socks for my birthday you got a puppy
G: (smiles)
D: ok that's it Tyler's planning my next birthday
T: (chuckles)
I opened the rest of my presents after an hour or two they all left I thanked Tyler
I was playing with snowball on the couch watching a movie when the door rang I paused it and picked snowball up I opened it Tyler was there
T: hey
G: please tell me it's another puppy
T: (chuckles) no it's another birthday suprise
G: can I bring snowball
T: no
G: come on
T: Gina
G: fine
T: get dressed
G: ok give me five minutes
I invited him in he sat at the couch I went up and took my hair down and changed into

Lizzies POV I'm fifteen we were on the bus Gina looked extra happy,  we got off and saw dylan she came up to us G: guys is there something you wanna say to meE: umm hi?G: gonna comment about todayT: it's a nice dayHer smile fell she walked away to...

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I brushed my hair and put on light makeup I kissed my new pug on the forehead it fell backwards I chuckled and went downstairs his mouth dropped once he saw me I slightly blushed and we left
G: k where we going
T: you'll see
We drove off he blindfolded me when we got out he led me forward
T: take it off princess
I blushed at the nickname and did I saw a beautiful picnic my mouth dropped it was on top of the mountain set up so you could see the view of the Malibu he led me forward it was all my favorite foods I hugged him and we sat down talking he fed me while we talked at the end we layed down watching the stars talking about life I sat up and hugged him he sat up as well
G: thanks Tyler this was an amazing birthday
T: no problem
I stopped we were looking at each other we leaned in and kissed I felt sparks wait dylan likes him I was about to pull away and he went in for tounge I let him in being weak and...
We were in the back seat of his car we just finished getting our clothes on
G: well this is definitely a birthday I'll never forget
T: glad I made it unforgettable
I kissed him
G: this was a one time and were never telling Dylan
T: than we need to make the most of tonight
I blushed at the thought of doing it again and kissed him and you know what happens next
I was with snowball we didn't tell dylan when my stomach rumbles I rushed to the bathroom and puked this happened two days ago and my period oh shit no no no I'm not pregnant it happened one night snowball came in pushing a magazine it was open he pointed his nose to an article
"Teen pregnancy"
Damn I got a smart dog
G: don't tell mom
Pug: (walks out)
G: I'll buy you those pepperoni sausages
His favorite he turned around if dogs could smirk he would
G: you won't tell her right
Pug: (nods head)
I chuckled and he walked out man he's smart I got up and brushed my teeth I rinsed out my mouth and went to the CVS I wore a hoodie embarrassed I was buying a pregnancy test I got it quickly and left I went home he was sitting on my bed
G: you want to know?
He jumped up and down I laughed and took it
Me and him were pacing if dogs can pace the timer beeped we jumped and looked at each other I got on my knees and we crawled to it it was positive I froze he licked my face I giggled
M; Gina
I threw it in the trash can she came in
M: you have someone waiting downstairs
I stood up and went down
Moms POV
I was about to leave snowball barked and pointed to the trash he ran around it
M: what
He moved it closer to me I noticed something under an old napkin I grabbed it my blood ran cold it was a pregnancy test and it was positive he ran downstairs, I followed gina and Tyler were taking he jumped on Tyler he jumped up and down signaling he was the father man he's smart
M; your pregnant
They froze Tyler sat there shocked
G: how did you-
M: he pointed to the trash can and wouldn't stop till I looked in it and found this
I showed her
G: I told you not to say anything
Pug; (shrugs)
G: he's actually really smart he showed me an article about teen pregnancy and waited for my test
T: uhh-
M: you two out you need to talk
G: wasn't planning on telling him like this
M: out
They left
Tyler's POV
What..the...fuck she took me to my car
G; ok so you know
T: yeah umm
G: I'm sorry
T: why
G: this isn't how I planned my birthday turning out
T: so we tell dylan
G: first umm..(sighs) ok do you like me
T; huh
G: it's a stupid question forget it you like Dylan I was just sex I'm sorry it turned into something more I-
She kept rambling on saying sorry and that she was stupid and it was all her fault I couldn't take it I kissed her she grabbed the back of my head and kissed back
T: I do like you
She smiled and kissed me
There's only two weeks left of Malibu rescue left now we decided to stay in for the summer last year we would drop out it's no big deal since this was our last one anyway we'd have to be captains to stay and there's no way they'd let us be captains since were form the valley we decided to not tell dylan and I just dump her and we never see her again I did the day after I found out gina was pregnant she was not happy and still hates me
Dylan always gives me the hardest chores it out last day we were all at this party at headquarters
Everyone cheered some people drank it not a lot just like a cup gina almost did
T: Gina
G: what?
She took a sip
T: the baby
She immediately spit it out
G: forgot
She got some water and drank that later I saw her and some kid talking he was pressuring her to drink
?: come on one drink
Some other kids held her he tried to get her to drink it
T: everything fine
?: just helping this party pooper
G: who knows how to fight
She stepped on one of the guys shoes and hit him in the sack she elbowed the other one in the ribs and punched the first one in the face
G: that was fun
T: you shouldn't fight
G: I know I know but it's there fault
We walked away leaving them on the ground groaning in pain she kept it calm the rest of the party for the baby at the end I took her to my car she leaned against the door
G: I did surprisingly decent
T: you drank and fought two bad things for the baby
G: a sip and I fight cause he was forcing me to drink
T: 🙄
G: love you
T: love you to
We kissed than
?: (high pitches shriek)
We stopped and saw dylan standing there frozen
G: Dylan I am so sorry
She backed up processing what happened a car was going
It hit her they got out and took her to the hospital
G: that was...better than I thought
T: (chuckles)
We kissed and I took her home I kissed her and she went inside

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