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A/N imagine they're seventeen they never went to the Malibu rescue program and they just know each other from school and they're parents are close
Tyler's moms POV
We were with Alexa (ginas mom) and Jason (ginas dad)
Me: hey wanna torture our kids
A: I thought you'd never ask
We laughed
J: well their complete opposites so I say
All of us: we ship them
J: exactly
A: no offense Tyler's to laid back for gina
Me : oh yeah and Ginas to uptight
They started smirking
A: hmm we have a trip planned we won it on this website we have a bunch of extra tickets enough for your family I say we go there make it so romantic for them and spent the entire time in Punta Cana getting tan relaxing knowing it's their hell
R: wait free trip AND we get to torture Tyler
Me: it's a dream come true
I said wiping my tears we laughed
J: were such bad parents
Me: ok well when is this trip
A: well we leave in two weeks the contest has paid for the resort plane tickets and some complementary stuff
Me: I love you
We laughed after an hour they left me and roger celebrated (not like that you dirty minded people)
We went to Tyler's room
T: yeah?
Me: come on
We went to the living room him and Sasha were annoyed
T: (annoyed) what
S: I'm bored
R: smile
T: why
Me: fine then we wrong tell you we're going to punta Cana for three weeks
R: yes now go pack we leave tomorrow
They ran to their rooms
Tyler's POV
We were at the airport when my parents hug ginas parents she was on her phone not noticing me she was wearing wearing

A/N imagine they're seventeen they never went to the Malibu rescue program and they just know each other from school and they're parents are closeTyler's moms POVWe were with Alexa (ginas mom) and Jason (ginas dad) Me: hey wanna torture our kidsA:...

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The makeup was good but the glasses covered the eyeliner plus her hair was pretty messy
T: Gina?
G: umm Tyler
Gm: forgot to tell you we invited them on the trip
T: I knew it was to good to be true
Mom: yeah oh and we decided to get back at you two for all the times you talked back your sharing a room not aloud to go anywhere without each other and the bed is heart shaped yeah we're gonna ship you two the entire trip and refer to you as Tina
S: and this vacation just got better
Gd: don't talk back next time
G: you can't be serious
R: oh we are look at that you two are sitting next to each other on the plane ..alone
They smirked Sasha was smiling evilly we looked at each other disgusted and shuddered
She was listening to music reading a book at least they gave me and her first class seats they said they wanted to make one part of the trip good she started humming and silently singing
G: I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me
Wow she has a good voice she took off her glasses her makeup showed she didn't notice me watching her she was to into the music
G: This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy
I jumped in
T: I need somebody to heal
She saw me
G: Somebody to know
She said while taking off her headphones us looking at each other
T: Somebody to have
G: just Somebody to hold
T: It's easy to say
G: But it's never the same
T: I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain-
G: and Now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
T: I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
G&T: I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
We smiled than remembered everything we hate about each other at the same time we sat down facing forward
G: never speak of that again
T: wasn't planning to
S: but I am
T: Sasha what are you doing here this place ain't for rats
S: and yet your here
G: this is why you and me get along we both hate him
S: from the looks of what just happened you don't
G: shut up he's awful
S: a pervert
G: bastard
S: shit
G: fuckboy player with awful pick up lines
S: weird hair guy
G: good for nothing-
S: loser who will-
G: never be loved
S: he has a better chance at love with that chewed piece of gum I found from 199-
T: ok we get it
They smiled evilly and fist bumped she left
G: god I love your sister
T: you do
She smiled innocently I rolled my eyes
We got off we were not aloud to leave each other's side she had brushed her hair in the plane it was in beach waves now and put her glasses away
G: I'm gonna get Starbucks
R: you two have to share
G: your kidding right
Gm: (chuckles) does it look like we're kidding
We groaned and got a strawberry iced tea she took a drink and held it out for me to drink I did we sat down next to each other on our phones
Gd: how's it going
G: what about bathroom
R: you can split up for that
G&T: oh thank the fucking gods
G: i need to go
She left someone took her spot while I was on my phone
G: Tyler
She hit my head
T: geez what
G: my spot
I looked at the guy sleeping
T: that sucks doesn't it
Gm: guess your gonna have to share
They said as they passed by us and left we froze
T: I really should have saved your spit
G: ya think
She groaned and sat down on my lap she watched as I scrolled though Instagram her hands on my shoulders her chin leaning on Er hands she leaned her head against my head
G: ooh go to that picture
It was this cat meme we laughed after a few minutes we got changed cause we were leaving soon I got changed into

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