The plan to get her

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Freddys POV
I was with Zack at my locker
F: did someone call my name? oh hey tomika
She smiled and waved and went ahead I sighed dreamily that smile makes the sun not shining
Z: bro you still crushing on her
F: huh what
Z: your in love just ask her out
I started getting nervous
T: on the plus side that was awesome
I chuckled listening to here conversation he pushed me
Z: go for it
F: ok
I went up to them summer looked sad she saw me and perked up
F: umm hey girls
T: hey
S: hi Freddy
F: umm-
I turned to zack he gave me a thumbs up
F: do you guys know the answers for the last test
S: test answers?
F: and umm
A plan popped in my head
F: summer wanna hang out later
S: YES I mean sure cool
I left she jumped up tomika shook her head chuckling me and zack left
Z: summer?
F: the band isn't close I mean yeah I've liked tomika since forever but we're not friends
A/N the groups were Freddy zack and Lawrence then Tomika and summer they've never talked before
F: so if I get close to summer as a friend than-
Z: you'll get closer to tomika
F: make a move and me and her be a couple
Z: it's brilliant
We high fived
Me and summer were hanging out
F: hey can you tell me about tomika
S: why
F: just want to know how she's doing
S: I don't know
F: come on sis
S: umm sis?
F: yeah your like a sister to me
S: I'll work my way up
F: huh
S: nothing anyway shes the same as usual
F: oh anyway I was thinking you me-
F: and Tomika and zack
S: (bored) oh
F: all hang out tomorrow
S: (quietly) our first double date (talks normal) I'm in
F: great
I left and went home
We were all hanging out I started taking to Tomika about skateboarding, scary movies, video games those challenges at those places
F: wanna hang out this weekend
T: sure what time should me and summer meet with you and-
F: no I mean just us
T: huh
F: you know me and you
T: (blushes uncontrollably) uh yeah sure I-I'd love to
I smiled at her blush and continued walking
F: hey wanna ditch zummer
T: Umm
She looked at her
T: I-I'm gonna talk to Zack make some plans for the weekend
F: but I thought we were-
T: sorry
She walked to zack I sighed sadly summer came up smiling I ignored her
Tomikas POV
Truth is I really like Freddy I looked at summer I really wanted to hang out with him alone but they both looked unhappy
T: I-I'm gonna talk to Zack make some plans for the weekend
F: but I thought we were-
T: sorry
I left and went next to zack summer smiled and walked ahead next to freddy me and zack didn't talk just walked sadly well I did he just looked bored
Summer said she thinks Freddy doesn't like her YES
Freddy came up to me and summer at my locker, summer said she's gonna try again with him
F: Tomika-
T: got to go
I left he left to after taking a little with summer
I've really been avoiding him I can't see him it's to painful I was at my locker he came up I tried to leave he held me back
T: what
F: I have to tell you something
T: what is it
F: I like you
T: w-what do you-
F: I mean I like you more like love you, ever since I first saw you in kindergarten shoving that crayon down Scott bucks throat cause he was annoying you
I chuckled he continued
F: I'm in love with you tomika young your smile makes the sun not shining your hair is flawless your skin is gorgeous your eyes make the stars not bright I love you your perfect I would not change a thing about you your unique
I bit my lip happy as he said all this
F: amazing,kind smart talented and beautiful I really like you but I get it you don't like me since you've been avoiding me I just had to say it I-
I kissed him
Summers POV
I was about to go to Tomika Freddy goes up to her maybe to ask about me i eavesdropp
T: what
F: I have to tell you something
T: what is it
F: I like you
T: w-what do you-
F: I mean I like you more like live ever since I first saw you in kindergarten shoving that crayon down Scott bucks throat cause he was annoying you
She chuckled he continued what the
F: I'm in love with you tomika young your smile makes the sun not shining your hair is flawless your skin is gorgeous your eyes make the Star not bright I love you your perfect I would not change a thing about you your unique
She bit her lip happy while he said all this what no she doesn't like him I DO
F: amazing,kind smart talented and beautiful I really like you but I get it you don't like me since you've been avoiding me I just had to say it I-
She kissed him I gagged as they pulled away
T: I like you to
They smiled and kissed again I stomped away and went to zack who was at his locker with mrfinn and Lawrence awwing at treddy
Z: finally he told her
L: how long has he-
Z: kindergarten man it's been that long
I looked back they were smiling talking and she was blushing like crazy guess she forgot about me and my crush on him I may be twelve but I'm gonna destroy her
Great they're a couple now she apologized about a zillion times I said I was fine and that I was over him I'm lying but I need to stay close to her if I want my plan to work
My plan hasn't worked nothing has I can't break them up it's impossible they found out I was evil and kicked me out of the band treddy was at the recording studio making out I know they do cause they do it almost every day I know cause I've been stalking them for three years I couldn't get in cause they put a lock on it to keep me out since I was snooping so much they came out they saw me and jumper we were in the janitors closet
S: omg didn't know you two were here
F: so you just hang out in janitors closets wearing that

Freddys POV I was with Zack at my lockerF: did someone call my name? oh hey tomikaShe smiled and waved and went ahead I sighed dreamily that smile makes the sun not shiningZ: bro you still crushing on herF: huh whatZ: your in love just ask her out...

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Tomika was wearing

Tomika was wearing

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He was wearing

He looked SO cute I started twirling my hairF: summer it's been three years give up its getting sad They left I scoffed he loved me he just doesn't know it yet THE NEXT DAYI got a girl to kiss him T: FREDDY F: baby I-T: I'm outShe left with tears ...

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He looked SO cute I started twirling my hair
F: summer it's been three years give up its getting sad
They left I scoffed he loved me he just doesn't know it yet
I got a girl to kiss him
F: baby I-
T: I'm out
She left with tears in her eyes he pushed the girl off and ran after her I smirked
Freddys POV
I ran into the woods trying to find her I grabbed her arm and stopped her she turned to me tears streaming down her face I lenaned in she backed away
T: get away from me ya dick
That hurt
F: Mika she-
T: don't call me that you cheating lying bastard pervert dickless jerk
F: baby please don't say this
T: why you never cared about me
F: I do care about you
T: yeah you-
I sighed she was looking at me willing to listen F: babe you know me I'd never cheat on you I love you more than anything ever since second grade like you know the crayon incident
T: (small laugh)
F: there's that beautiful smile I get it tho you don't believe me but that girl kissed me look back my back was against the locker I live you and was gonna give you this
I pulled out the ring
F: promise ring but if you don't want it cause-
She smashed her lips on mine it felt like everything I kissed back I really thought u lost her
T: I'm only doing this cause I want that ring
F: (chuckles) I'll take it
We kissed and walked back the girl was pissed to see us holding hands but I don't give a shit

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