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(Imagine Louies not a ghost)
(I just have to say I'm completely stealing this from a tik tok I watched)
Frankies POV
I'm 17 I was on a motorcycle with my best friend Louie I didn't have a helmet on
Fr: Louie slow down
L: ok but first you have to say you love me
Fr: ok I love you
L: and hug me
I rolled my eyes playfully and hugged him
Fr: now will you slow down
L: ok but can you take off my helmet and put it on you it's bothering me
I shrugged and took it off him I put it on and tightened it so it wouldn't fall off
Fr: will you slow down
L; Frankie I can't
Fr: why not
L: I just wanted to hear you love me before it ends and I wanted you to have the helmet
Fr: Louie what are you talking about
L: the brakes aren't working
Fr: Louie what are you-
We crashed into a building and everything went black I woke up in a hospital bed with a massive headache I groaned my mom,Taylor,ray and miles shot up from their seats and rushed over to me
Fr: guys? What happened
T: you were in a crash
M: the brakes on the motorcycle failed they stopped working
Fr: where's Louie
They were silent
Fr: guys come on tell me
Mi: he uh didn't make it
Fr: I'm sorry what
T: he would've survived he just didn't know the brakes failed till after you guys had got on it
Fr: how did I survive
R: probably cause off your helmet
I wiped my tears I can't believe he's gone why would he give me his helmet he could've survived

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