My Dads Boss

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Tomikas POV

I was in the library skimming through a book it's how I pass the time I don't have any friends I'm to shy I was wearing a hoodie,some jeans, and had some glasses I don't want to attention any attention to me I never do

I speak in a soft voice you can barely hear it and I stutter a lot and I mean A LOT I don't think I've ever talked normally a guy walked over

?: hey do you know where the Greek mythology books are

I didn't want to respond so I just pointed to the section he thanked me I gave him a small smile and after a few minutes decided to go home I packed up my stuff but as I was leaving the school I bumped into someone

?: watch where you going

T: (mumbles quietly) s-s-sorry

I look up and see summer she's the meanest girl in school I get up and walk past her you know how sometimes people talk without knowing it like accidentally saying something out loud well even if I do accidentally say something it won't matter it's not like anyone can hear me anyway

I walk home when I got there there was no food on the table I look at my dad questionably

D: we're going to a gala for my work we'll eat there

T: (softly) b-but daddy I d-d-d-don't-

D: you'll be fine go get dressed

I nodded my head and went upstairs I go to my room I don't have any dresses or anything formal after a few minutes mom called me down I go down and see she's wearing a dress and my dad and older brother Jason in suits I looked down at the floor

J: do you want to wear one of my hoodies?

I nodded my head a smile creeping onto my face it's not formal but I've always loved wearing his and dads clothes it makes me feel safe he brought me upstairs and gave me one I quietly thanked him and went to my room

I changed into the hoodie and slipped on some knee high boots

I walked downstairs my family smiled and we left when we got there he introduced me to his boss

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I walked downstairs my family smiled and we left when we got there he introduced me to his boss

Zack's POV

I was at this stupid gala why did I have it? I see one of my employees come in with his family I see his son Jason and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen I choked on my water glancing at her

?: sir you ok

The guy I was talking to asked me I nodded my head

Z: excuse me I have to do something

I left before he could respond after a few minutes he came over his names Jeff I think

J: hello mr.kwon

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