A Bitch And A Dare

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Tomikas POV

Oh hey I'm Tomika I'm 19 almost 20 I'm in college, I was in school waiting for class to start I'm kind of a nerd glasses,messy hair, good grades all that stuff I was walking around the halls when Freddy walks up to me he's extremely popular

F: hey

I don't respond figuring he's taking to someone else and continue walking

F: umm Tomika right?

I turn to him confused

T: me?

I said unsure

F: yes you

T: umm why are you talking to me

F: I just wanted to ask you-

The bell rang

T: oh sorry got to go

I left


The bell rang I grabbed my books and put them in my locker I went to the lawn and opened my Harry Potter book after a minute I heard

F: Tomika

I look up and see Freddy I smile and push up my glasses

T: hi is there a problem

F: no I wanted to ask you something

He said as I grabbed my water bottle and opened the lid

T: what is it?

I say as I take a drink of the water

F: do you wanna go out later

I spit out my water in shock

T: (high pitched) I'm sorry what

F: uh will you go out with me

T: are you feeling ok

F: yeah why?

T: you do know I'm me right

F: uhh yeah?

T: Tomika young biggest nerd in the school

F: yeah I know

T: uh sure

F: ok I'll pick you up at 7:00

He left what...the...fuck


I was wearing

(Not the hair, nails and lipstick)

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(Not the hair, nails and lipstick)

I was looking at myself in the full length mirror in my room I took off my glasses and squinted I put it on my drawer and put on some contacts I smiled I heard someone knock at the door I look out the peephole and see Freddy on the phone with someone I smile and open the door i see Freddy he puts the phone away

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