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Tomikas POV
I went to school dreading it I'm seventeen and get bullied every day by Freddy he hates me I went to my locker my parents don't know
F: hey bitch
T: h-hi Freddy
F: don't say my name you ruin it
T: sorry
He slapped me and slammed me against the lockers
F: slut, you sleep with every one you see
He left I got my stuff and went to class
We were in class
?: ok the two winners of the essay contest get to go to Mexico for a month at a resort on vacation
Class: really
?: yes
We all started writing I'm top of my class in every subject each the gifted class I might actually win
We were all anxious. Who won?
?: ok I bet your wondering who won
Class: WHO
?: tomika young
T: fuck yeah
Everyone cheered
?: and he's not here right now so I'll tell him privately later tomika your plane leaves tomorrow here's you plane ticket
T: first class
?: yeah
I silently cheered
The plane leaves at 6:00 am I got up at three what I'm excited I went to bed extra early don't worry I had packed I went to the airport I was in the Starbucks line when someone bumped into me after the line had moved
?: sorry I-tomika
T: Freddy
F&T: what are you doing here I won the essay contest dammit
T: let's just avoid each other
F: were sharing a hotel room, next to each other on the plane and-
T: please just try not to talk to me this vacation was to get away from you
F: yeah you and me both
T: let's just ignore each other as much as we can
I got my drink and sat down at those chairs he sat across from me a few chairs down after an hour we got boarded the Plane next to each other we gagged and avoided each other I hope he doesn't hurt me I put in my headphones and listened to music the whole way there
The place was awesome it looked like

 Who won??: ok I bet your wondering who wonClass: WHO?: tomika youngT: fuck yeahEveryone cheered?: and he's not here right now so I'll tell him privately later tomika your plane leaves tomorrow here's you plane ticketT: first class?: yeahI silentl...

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