Unexpected love

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This is what they look like in this chapter oh and they kissed like that it longer  ⬆️
Tomikas POV
Hey I'm fourteen it's two weeks after the Austin music festival I was crying in the recording studio i just found out Owen AKA my boyfriend has been cheating on me we met at the festival I didn't really like him it just hurts to know he cheated I felt arms around me I was sitting in a chair

I cried more Z: mika come onT: I-Z: one day your gonna regret crying over such a jackass I'm not doing the speech where "he couldn't see how beautiful you are" even if he can't cause you are your special Tomika your a skater girl a singer a base p...

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I cried more
Z: mika come on
T: I-
Z: one day your gonna regret crying over such a jackass I'm not doing the speech where "he couldn't see how beautiful you are" even if he can't cause you are your special Tomika your a skater girl a singer a base player and so much more than what Owen thought of you your perfect you should never cry over a guy who is now transgender once Freddy took care of him
I chuckled and looked at him
Z: theres the smile that makes the sun not shining
T: thanks zack
Z: no problem
We were looking at each other we quickly leaned in and kissed, we ended up making out a little our lips leaving each other for a split second before connecting again after a minute realization hit for both of us were kissing like on purpose we immediately pulled away and sat forward
Z: I-I'm gonna go
T: please do
He left I groaned oh god why did I make out with him I face palmed myself
I hid out in the recording studio I did the work just not in class during lunch he walked in I stiffened
Z: mika it was just a kiss
T: no it was not just a kiss it was a makeout
Z: well then this was just a kiss
He smashed his lips on mine I stumbled back a little but quickly pulled him back into the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck
T: why did I do that
Z: Tomika-
T: you have to go you have to go right now
He kissed my cheek his lips made their way to my neck he started kissing it and sucking it leaving a hickey I silently moaned I don't care if it's him doing this I'm enjoying it to much I smashed my lips on his and thus a make out
We were in the couch making out I deepened the kiss when we hear
We turn and see the band our eyes widen
M: remember relationships can ruin the band
T&Z: were not dating
L: than how do you explain the makeout
Z&T: it was a one time thing
M: that sucks once all you had to do was keep your relationship out of the band
S: wait as long as it's out of the band it's fine?
L: yeah why
She immediately kissed Freddy we gasped
T&Z&L&M: how
F: we broke up at the festival cause of what mrfinn said
S: And fremmer is back
She hugged his arm we awwed
S: now on to Zamika
They turned to us
Z&T: it's a one time thing
F: uh huh
L: ok 😉
We rolled our eyes and we left
Ok this is crazy but I miss his lips it's so weird he's just a friend and I definitely don't like him like that but I don't know the kiss was actually nice I was in my room I texted zack to come over after a few minutes he showed up
Z: hey mika what'd you wanna talk about
T: ok this is crazy but I actually miss the make out I dont like you like that I definitely don't it's just the kiss was good and now I want it again and-
He cut me off by kissing me I felt like mush under the kiss I kissed back almost immediately I pulled him on the bed him on top of me I pulled him closer I started unbuttoning his shirt
Z: mika...
I said nothing just kissed him again I stopped with the shirt and only focused on the kiss we made out till we heard
S: Tomika where are you
He immediately got off me we fixed our hair just in enough time she came in
S: doing that "one time" thing again
Z&T: just talking sum
S: ok ok
She left we quickly kissed again
T: this is a one time thing
He kissed me
Z: my place tomorrow
Before I could stop myself I said-
T: (weak) ok
He smiled and kissed me again what am I doing
He got off me my eyes widen
T: we had sex
Z: yeah
T: but-
Z: everyone is out I have the place to myself
T: oh god
Z: you didn't have to come over it was just an invite
T: why did I
He shrugged I groaned and got my clothes on he did to
Z: same time Tomorrow
T: no no no this was a one time thing a-a..fling yes
Z: pretty sure our friendship isn't supposed to have flings
T: look I don't like you it was just sex
Z: ok
T: you got it right
Z: yeah
T: and your not gonna tell anyone right
Z: oh no I'm telling everyone
T: Zack
Z: Freddy has only had a kiss when I say I've had sex I'll be ahead in the game
I hit his stomach he chuckled
T: your not telling anyone
Z: ok ok
I kissed his cheek and left
I walked into class everyone was looking at me
F: you had sex with Zack
T: you said you wouldn't tell anyone
Z: they made me
T: how
Z: I said do you wanna hear a story and they said yes
T: 🙄
S: so?
T: shut it
They all fangirl screamed
T: no no NO
L: Zamika is happening people
T&Z: it was just sex
L: wait aren't we 14
They turned to me
T: what about zack
They turned to him I tried to leave
Z: she's escaping
They grabbed me and sat me down
L: actually
He pulled me up and dragged me to zack
T: what are you doing
He pushed me so I landed on zack
T&Z: are you kidding
S: it's cute
F: anyway you two had sex
T: I thought we confirmed this
I moved a little to be more comfortable in his lap
L: at 14
Z: that would confirm it
F: Larry you haven't even had your first kiss and he's had sex
Z: you've only had your first kiss
F; I know but-
Z: I win
F&L: goddammit
F: and so young we can't beat that
L: game over
T&S: whats wrong with you guys
F&L&Z: many things
T: ok you told everyone I'm telling your parents
Z: (eyes widen)
T: (smirks)
T: haha
Z: don't think your brothers will like it
T: I'll shut up now
Z: yay
I rolled my eyes they wouldn't let me leave the entire class
I walked into my house they glared
T: that bitch
I immediately knew summer
?: you let your friend knock you up
T: sorta BYE
I ran to my room
Zacks POV
I walk in they glare
Z: did tomika tell you
?: freddy
Z: god I hate him
?: so you fucked your friend
Z: it's not a big deal
A: man I haven't even had sex goddammit how have you
Z: probably cause I'm not an idiot with a Brain of shit
A: where do you get that stuff
Z: it's moms description of you
?: (farkle laugh)
A: (glares)
Z: (shrugs) I'm going to my room
?: dirty boy
Z: come on
I went to my room I texted tomika
Z: hiding from the dipshits-parents
T: same hide though my brothers are not happy
Z: should I be scared
T: extremely
I closed my phone
We decided to give us a shot our friends cheered SO loud

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