Overnight sensasion

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Louies POV
We were all in the living room we hear singing we go to Frankies room thinking it's coming from there it is she has headphones on her laptop on a beat was playing but you couldn't hear it she was singing into this microphone
T: ooh there
We saw some headphones we put them on and heard the music in the background and her singing

She took off her headphones we clapped and she smiled
Fr: oh hey
T: Frankie that was amazing
Fr: thanks
Mi: if you write your own songs you could put it on YouTube
Fr: that was my song
L; really?
Fr: yeah
T: well get a camera and put it on YouTube
Fr: I don't know
M: as your mom I'm forcing you to
Fr: ok I'm but I need a camera
M: boom
She pulled one out
Fr: where did you-
M: I'm a mom
Fr: damn good answer
We laughed
She put it on YouTube
T: hey do you think anyone watched it
Fr: probably not
She checks her mouth dropped
T: what
She handed it to us it got 2 MILLION VIEWS what the fuck she posted it yesterday
R: your blowing up
Fr: damn
Mi: they're asking for your next video
Fr: I mean I have some more songs
L&T&Mi&R&M; GO
Fr: ok ok
She walked to her room
She uploaded

She was playing with some guys from school there names are Freddy Owen and Hudson they're cool anyway people are BEGGING her for more she's more popular than ever she's already written all the songs just needs to upload them
Frankies POV
I was with Freddy working on a new song I have some more songs but we want a new one right now
F: Step into my world
Bittersweet love story about a girl
Shook me to the core
Voice like an angel, I've never heard before
Here in front of me
Fr: Shining so much brighter than I have ever seen
Life can be so mean
But when he goes I know he doesn't leave

Fr&F: The truth is finally breaking through
Two worlds collide when I'm with you
Our voices rise and soar so high
We come to life when we're
In perfect harmony
Woah, woah
Perfect harmony
Woah woah
Perfect harmony
We were looking at each other we leaned in and kissed he pulled me closer I deepened the kiss and we made out till
H&O: ooooh
Fr&F: are you kidding me
They looked down and left we chuckled and kissed again
F: do you wanna go out
Fr: I'd love to 8?
F: yeah
We smiled and wrote the song
I've uploaded
Love story
Wake up
On my own and with the band I got
Perfect harmony
Flying solo
I don't have any more songs I wrote im working on one but meh it's mainly the band I was doing my homework when an email popped up I read it
Dear Frankie Hathaway
I am producer mick Bronson I've seen you and your band and you'll like to offer you a record deal
I rolled my eyes at the prank the guys are pranking me I wrote back
Ha ha guys I'm not falling for this
I closed it
I was at my locker with Freddy,Hudson, and Owen when
M: hello
M: yes I came for you four
I: why?
M: I would like to offer you a record deal
Fr: wait that email wasn't a prank
M: no ma'm
Fr: damn
M: so?
M: I will call you Later
He left we high fived YES

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