Husband stealer

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Tomikas POV

Oh um hey my names Tomika I'm 23 years old and married to Zack, we live in

Oh um hey my names Tomika I'm 23 years old and married to Zack, we live in

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I was in the kitchen on my phone when Zack came in I smiled

Z: and we finally unpacked the last box...well I did

T: I didn't do shit

He chuckled and kissed my cheek someone knocked at the door I went up and opened it I saw Summer

S: hey bitch

T: (laughs) hey

We hugged

S: can I swim in your pool now that your unpacked

T: how did you know

S: secret cameras

T: what

S: I guessed

I laughed and let her in if your wondering she's Zack's half sister and my best friend

S: Tomika you coming?

T: sure I'll just get my swimsuit

S: Zack?

Z: nope gotta work

She shrugged I went upstairs and after a few minutes I came down she was in her swimsuit and she went in the pool


I got a text from summer

S: hey can me and Hayley come over to swim tomorrow

I smiled and texted back sure


I saw Hayley and summer pull up I immediately got excited we're all really good friends

Z: who's that

Zack says from the kitchen

T: people

He chuckled Hayley and summer ringed in the doorbell I opened it and we all hugged Hayley looked especially happy to see Zack she ran up and hugged him

S: me and Tomika are gonna head to the pool

T: you two should catch up it's been a good three months

She smiled and we left me and summer got changed and headed into the pool


Hayley wasn't here yet

T: hey it's been a good 20 minutes where's Hayley

H: hey guys

She came out with her swimsuit on we pulled her in the pool she laughed it looked fake but whatever

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