How it started

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Tomikas POV
My names Tomika I'm 22 I'm married to Freddy he owns one of the biggest companies in the world, we live in this big New York apartment, the first 5 months of our marriage was heaven but now it's a whole different story we don't fight but (sighs) I wake up he's not there I spend the entire day alone I make dinner he comes home not making eye contact eats the dinner without even commenting or talking to me we go to bed and do it repeat cycle this has been going on for 4 months I was on the couch he just finished dinner he kissed the top of my head, he gets a text he reads it
F: I have to go I'll be back in an hour
T: but you just got home
F: sorry
He left wow not even a kiss goodbye I sighed I shouldn't have married him I regret it everyday now
He walked in I smiled he kissed my cheek we went to our room we made out for a few minutes, but I couldn't take it I pulled away quickly
F: baby what's wrong
T: I can't do this anymore
F: you can't do what
T: Freddy we never talk, you barely acknowledge me, and it feels like I'm only good for sex cause every morning I wake up and your not there not a note,a text, or anything, remember when we first got married you would use your lunch breaks and I would come to your office and we have a mini food fight, or you would surprise me with flowers and tell me where you were going now I'm not allowed near your work, You only talk to me for sex and you somehow Always find a way to tell me everything except where your going
F: mika-
T: I'm gonna sleep in the guest room tonight
F: please just-
T: are you gonna tell me why you've been acting weird
T: goodnight freddy
I got up and went to another room I crawled into bed and silently cried marrying him was the worst mistake of my life now I'm stuck with him
I woke up and yawned I expected freddy to be at his office by now I took a shower brushed my hair,teeth,and put on some light makeup I was wearing

To my surprise I exited the room and he was on the couchT: Freddy?F: heyT: what are you doingF: I took the day off work so we can hang outI ran upT: (excited) reallyF: (nods head)T: (squeals)I hugged him he sighedT: what's wrong F: umm it's nothin...

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To my surprise I exited the room and he was on the couch
T: Freddy?
F: hey
T: what are you doing
F: I took the day off work so we can hang out
I ran up
T: (excited) really
F: (nods head)
T: (squeals)
I hugged him he sighed
T: what's wrong
F: umm it's nothing
T: Freddy I'm not stupid come on what's going on
F: seriously it's nothing
T: Freddy come on
F: I said it's nothing can we drop it
T: ok
F: I made you breakfast ok I ordered but it's the thought that counts
I chuckled
We cuddled,did "it", etc we were watching a movie he looked a little anxious I paused it
T: ok what's up
F: n-
T: don't say it's nothing cause it's clearly something important
F: it's the reason I've been acting weird
T: ooh drama what is it
F: I...
T: Freddy I'm not gonna be mad
F: (sighs) I've been having an affair
My heart broke I looked at him heartbroken and shocked he made every excuse in the book but it went in one ear and out the other tears formed in my eyes
T: get out
F: what?
T: get out of here
F: babe please don't-
He touched my cheek I shut up still glaring at him he rubbed my cheek
T: get out of here freddy no one wants you
He leaned in and tried to kiss me I backed up and started crying
T: (crying) get out freddy I never wanna see you again
F: please just-
T: no leave
I stood up and ran to our room I wiped my tears I can't believe him he ran in as well
F: please just listen
T: (crying) no
He turned me so I was facing him
F: please mika I'm nothing without you
T: (sniffles) should have thought of that before you cheated FOR FOUR FUCKING MONTHS
F: babe-
T: (tears running down cheeks) no my life has been hell cause you were stupid enough to do this and we're married Freddy, I think of my biggest regret and say marrying you but then I think no because I love him and he's loyal and would never lie to me but you proved me wrong I don't love-
He covered my mouth
F: don't say it
T: (talks against hand)
F: mika I'm sorry but please don't say you don't love me please don't end it and please just listen to me
I took his hand off glaring at him
T: I don't love you,I want a divorce and I'm not listening to whatever bullshit you have to say you stupid mother-
He kissed me passionately cupping my cheeks trying to get me to change my mind but I pushed him off
T: get out
F: I'm sorry just listen to me
T: I don't care about your lame ass excuse leave I don't want to see you right now
He went closer to me and grabbed my waist I growled he lifted my arms around his neck and put his back on my waist
F: do you remember on our second date we were in this exact position
T: Freddy-
He picked me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist I squirmed he wouldn't let me go
F: and on our one month anniversary I did this
He laid us down on the bed and kissed me
T: get out freddy I don't want to see you right now
F: and I first told you I loved you
T: yeah and you clearly didn't mean it
F: I did mean it and I still mean it
He looked at my chest
F: now let me prove it
T: NO go to work or anywhere that's not here
I pushed him off and sat up he sighed and picked me up bridal style he walked out of the room and to the door he set me on my feet he stroked my hair I looked at him disgusted
F: mika...(sighs) I love you more than anything believe me
Yeah sure
F: and I'm sorry ok
Oh your "sorry"
F: I love you and I can't stress that enough
T: go
He opened the door
F: I love you
I was silent he sighed and left I went to our room and packed I went wrote a note
Don't try to find me
I sighed and looked at my ring I took it off I started sobbing it felt so weird to take it off I ran to our room and looked at a picture of us

I picked it up looking at it I dropped it and the glass smashed breaking the picture I looked at it blankly and walked out I went to one of our summer housesFreddys POV I walked in my office, it's not my fault my secretary kale had been blackmaili...

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I picked it up looking at it I dropped it and the glass smashed breaking the picture I looked at it blankly and walked out I went to one of our summer houses
Freddys POV
I walked in my office, it's not my fault my secretary kale had been blackmailing me she spiked my drink at an office party and slept with me ever since she's made me keep doing it thinking I'll give her money I haven't given her a dime kale walked in in this short tight skirt with an unbuttoned shirt I gagged she let her hair down and locked the door
F: get out I have to work
K: babe come on
F: only Tomika can call me that you know my wife
K: soon you'll be calling me that
F: get out
K: wouldn't want me to tell your wife you-
F: already told her
K: (shrieks) WHAT
F: yeah
F: and she was fine once I told her you we're blackmailing me so kale your fired pack your office now
K: I don't believe you I'm telling her
I pulled out my phone and texted her
F: did I tell you I was cheating on you
T: yah you told me
I showed kale she stomped out then she blocked me I sighed at least it's over I called my lawyer he said this is good enough to sue her I was happy to hear that after I was done I went home hoping she'd Listen but no one was there I saw a note on the counter
Don't try to find me
With her wedding ring next to it I panicked I ran to our room to see a wedding picture smashed and the drawers open with no clothes in it
I sat down and ran my hands through her hair
I found out she was at one of our summer houses I went in a room she was in the bed playing with her fingers
F: mika
T: ugh what now
F: baby please just listen to me
I sat next to her she scoffed I turned her head and leaned in I kissed her softly I bit her bottom lip gently as I pulled away I know she loves it when I do that
F: let me explain
I said our lips inches apart
T: what's there to explain you cheated
F: you don't know why
T: ok why? oh wait I don't care
I kissed her again
T: Freddy stop
F: were gonna fuck
T: I don't want to-
F: don't fight it
I stood up and unbuttoned my shirt she sat there silent
F: baby what's wrong
T: your a cheater why would I ever forgive you or let you do stuff to me
F: cause I love you
T: no you don't you love my body
I touched her face I put my thumb on her bottom lip and used it to pull her lip down for a second before taking off my thumb I stood her up and took off her clothes she looked up at me and reached for my belt she took off my belt and unzipped my pants I took them off then hers I pushed her on the bed and got on top of her we kissed I brushed my fingers up and down her body she silently moaned I slipped off her underwear and then my boxers I positioned myself between her legs
F: ready baby
T: uh huh
I pushed in she moaned
She was on the bed playing with her fingers we were fully dressed
F: babe-
T: don't call me that
F: your still mad
T: yes
F: so what, what we just did means nothing to you do I mean nothing to you
T: I don't know just leave
I looked at the ring and went in front of her I went on my knee holding it
F: please take this ring
T: why should i
I stood up and held out my hand she took it and I helped her up I put it in her hand
F: come home mika stop thinking about what I did and actually listen to why I did it cause if you don't our marriage is over and you will never find someone who can treat you like I can,who can get you moaning like I can, or who can name a everything about you i can, I'm sorry and I can't say it enough. I love you more than words can say
I kissed her forehead and left I went home
I was on the couch she still isn't back yet she came in I perked up she didn't say anything,she sat next to me
F: Tomika
She kissed my cheek and dug her head in my shoulder she started crying
F; baby don't cry
T: (cries more)
I wrapped my arm around her and she dug her head in my chest she started sobbing I rubbed her back
F: calm down
T: (sniffles)
F: why are you crying
T: I-I'm pregnant
F: that's great
T: no cause it's your and you cheated and-
F: Tomika we have a kid now at least listen to me
I cupped her cheeks
F: please
T: (quietly) ok
I smiled and kissed her I took my hands off and pulled her in my lap
F: I didn't want to cheat
T: yeah sure
F: she spiked my drink at a party and that's how it happened
T: yeah what about these past 4 months
F: correction how it started she blackmailed me mika I'm suing her if you don't believe me but please do I love you
T: I love you to
I smiled she kissed me
We sued kale for almost ruining our marriage, and blackmailing me she actually lives in a smaller house now but won't even apologize

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