The End.

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You have finally reached the end of the 2nd and final book of the "How To Love✓" Duology. I'm on a rollercoaster of emotions writing this author's note. This is the end and I can't seem to let go of the fact that Lucien and Amara's story has come to an end.

I will be honest, this wasn't the way I wanted to end their story but I've decided to end it in such a way where it’s up to the imagination of my readers. You get to decide their fates and I'd love to hear your thoughts as to how you would've expected book 3 to play out!

I'm grateful to my God for giving me the strength to fulfil my wishes of completing this duology and I am most grateful to you, my fellow readers, for being my biggest source of motivation.

To those who have read my work from beginning to end, who have saved, shared, opinionated, lamented and smiled with me throughout my journey of bringing my ideas to life, thank you.

I'm really hoping that you guys are contented with the way their story has ended. Lamara thanks you endlessly for supporting their love story!

To end, it really means a lot to a writer when people are able to resonate with them, people who can relate to the character and can appreciate the amount of effort and hardwork the writer puts in to making their imagination become a reality.

Without you, liyahhwrites would cease to exist. I write because it is my passion, but most importantly, I write because of the warm feeling I get inside from all of the support I receive. Every bit of it counts.

Never let the dark overpower the light inside of you. May your fire keep on burning.

Love Always,

Your Writer,

Aaliyah Hosein ♡

Aaliyah Hosein ♡

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