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I should be so scared. I should be getting as far as I could away from him. But I knew I couldn't.

Better yet, I didn't want to.

Before, I was too afraid to touch him, to even stand close to him, but something ignited in me and I felt more confident. More confident to take control.

He pulled me along a long corridor and into a room inside of the cruiser yacht. He turns to lock the door and as I go to walk away and towards the bed, a hand stops me from proceeding.

"You think you're getting away that easily?" he whispers in my ear, making me shiver. He outlines my neck with a finger, going along my left earlobe and down to my waist.

"Lucien," I breathe out, finding myself triggered by his touch. He slowly turns me around and connects our lips together, pushing me backwards until the back of my feet hit the foot of the bed.

He lays me down and spreads my arms over my head, working his mouth to trail love bites on my neck. I whimpered at the contact. He connects our lips again. Wanting to explore my mouth, he slightly pulled on my bottom lip begging for entrance, which I gave in to. My fingers ran through his hair and pull him closer, our tongues battling in combat.

I wanted more of him. I always wanted to experience my first time with someone special and with Lucien, it just felt right.

I wanted to feel all of him tonight. I wanted to touch every inch of him. I wanted us to open up to each other in a different way.

I wanted to feel loved and adored. Kissing Lucien felt like that, but it wasn't enough.

I broke the heated kiss and we both gasp out of breath. He removes himself from on top of me and stands between my legs. He reaches for his blazer and seductively takes it off as he stares lustfully down at me, as if staring at his prize. I let my eyes follow his motion, staring through my thick eyelashes and sucking in my bottom lip, trying to turn him on. He curses under his breath and I note my success.

As he removes the last of his upper attire leaving him bareback with just his dress pants on. I lean forward and let my fingers glide across the skin of his bare upper body. Everywhere my fingers move across, I leave a kiss to the spot, my eyes never leaving his as I do so.

He stands surprised. "What do you think you're doing?"

When I didn't answer, he grabs my shoulders and pushed me back a bit.

I frown. I felt stupid. Of course he doesn't want to make love to me and I felt embarrassed for pushing myself onto him like that.

He notices my embarrassment and grabs ahold of my wrists, pulling me upwards.

"Oh princess, it's not what you think. I just, I want to make sure you're ready for this. I don't want to force you to do anything you'd regret."

I shake my head. "Why would I regret giving myself to the man I love? I wouldn't want to be with anyone else," I confess, smiling to reassure him. He reciprocates my smile and looks down.

"I am... so honoured," he lets out a breathy laugh and shakes his head.

"Do you trust me?" I ask, wanting to make sure that we were both going to give our all to each other and ending the night knowing that our relationship won't be one sided.

"Of course," he responds, "do you trust me?"

I nod. "Of course."

"Good, now even though I love that you want to be in charge, you aren't doing it right," he says blandly.

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