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The whole time we were organising ourselves at Lucien's home (which I realised I have been spending all my time at), Lucien and I haven't said a word to each other. He was all cooped up in his home office whilst I stayed in his room. With the help of Mrs. Haynes, his housekeeper, I was freshly groomed and halfway dressed, too anxious and also sleep deprived for tonight.

My mind reeled, my thoughts shifting from one subject to another. The thing about dismissing past events is to ensure that future growth is accompanied by a healthy, stable mindset. Yet, how can you when your past comes back into your life to haunt you?

As the days went by, the more time I spend with Lucien, made me understand his poise even more. Day by day I unlock a new feature of him but some challenges are still left unrevealed, too strong a fixture it is to break down.

Lucien and I's relationship sure has blossomed since he came back, but I still have this feeling that he was not completely honest with me. Like, he was hiding something far more deeper than him being the CEO of one of the biggest companies on the market.

I never underestimate him. He was more hardworking and perplexing than, and I know I should never compare him to any other man, Brad, who seems to be in my train of thoughts for the past few hours. When I told both Lucien and myself to clear our thoughts of Brad, he seems to reenter and evade my thinking space.

I was too wrapped up in my thoughts that I never heard Lucien knock on the door. My head turned to look over to the door. Mrs. Haynes nods at him and she exits the room, leaving Lucien and I alone. We stare at each other deeply for a few seconds, before his eyes roam my body.

"Eyes up here big boy," I flaunt, just realising that I stood only clad in a silver glitter metallic 3-piece lingerie set I secretly bought two days ago. He leans against the doorframe, a wide smirk playing off on his lips.

"I'm sorry for acting....distant. No, it's not because of our car fight, just some business I had to take care or. I apologise sincerely," he says smoothly.

I shake my head and bit my lip. "All accounted for." He strides closer to me, slowly, sexily, and I couldn't control my dirty thoughts of him taking me right now. The way I know he would seductively throw away this lingerie and throw my onto the bed made my temperature rise.

"I just want to know if I could do anything to calm you," I say softly, batting my long eyelashes at him.

"Oh you could," he hums. Once he was close enough to me he spun me around and stood behind me so I faced the bed. He gripped the back of my exposed neck and slowly arched me down until my face plastered the duvet.

"Loretta did an amazing job on you ma belle," he starts to say, "but, I think all of her work will go to waste by the end of the night."

(My beautiful in French).

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