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I positioned myself to view my accompanier and nearly stumbled backwards when my eyes fixated themselves on Brad standing a few feet away from where I stood. He swiped his wet tongue across his bottom lip as he eye his surroundings, checking to see if I was alone. He looked battered and tired, not that I cared. Stress really isn't for everyone. I kept my composure as he edged around the art piece I was currently rearranging.

"Gallery's closed. Please come back tomorrow," I say confidently, not wanting him to think I was intimidated by his presence.

"What, no hello? How are you? Thought you were better than that Mara" he seethes and I nearly barf at the nickname I grew to hate.

I cross my arms in front of me and eye him suspiciously. "Look let's cut the small talk cause I'm not one for it. If you aren't interested in discussing art then I suggest you leave."

He moves closer and closer to me and inside I prayed extra hard that Jasper would walk through the doors and make Brad leave. Even though he wasn't exactly a threat in this moment, I just couldn't stand being around him since he's already a huge threat to Lucien and well... my whole life. For now I'm trying my best to keep Brad calm and talking so he wouldn't get irritated and physically harm me.

"I am interested in Art, however. Very fine art," he says in a deep voice, raking my body from head to feet with his eyes. "Though she's already been purchased. I'm just hoping that I can steal her somehow, make sure she's in a place where she truly belongs."

I cackle loudly. "Well sucks to be you because this artwork is happy in the arms of her true buyer who takes extra care for her. This buyer would burn the whole world down for this artwork. So I suggest you stop trying so hard to buy and move on if you love your life."

He smiles devilishly. He was a few inches away from where I stood but I dared not make a run for it. My heels would only take me so far and I'm on Brad's good side for now.

"Have I ever told you that you light my heart on fire every time I'm around you?"

"Brad...." I trail off in hopes that he got the hint that I wasn't up for him and his foolishness.

"Well if my words won't satisfy you then how about we go out for a drink tonight?" he asks so boldly and my muteness seemed to have made him irritated as he bit on his nails.

"That's a no there. How about dinner? Come on, it'll be fun I promise!"

"I'm already spending the night with Lucien Brad. You know better than to waste your time to try to win me over. Please leave before I call my bodyguard to have him remove you," I say, my voice calm and collected.

But in my mind I was freaking out. I know Brad, he doesn't stop at nothing to get what he wants and I know he wants me. It was obvious. He showed every emotion.

His eyes scan mine and he smirks menacingly. He knew we were all alone and that there was no one coming to the rescue. I was all alone with him, deep down I was a bit afraid but I knew how to handle myself.

"There's no one here besides you and I. How about we go out and then I'll take you home?"

"Brad Sullivan this is the last time I am saying this and let me say this slowly so you can let it stick in your empty and useless brain. I.Have.A.Boyfriend. I have no interest in you and I strongly suggest you work on yourself because you sure as hell look like shit. The gallery is closed. Now leave before I make my bodyguard remove you," I raise my voice a little but drove my heels into the ground to stop myself from running to prove my weakness.

His smirk grew. He put his hands up in surrender and slowly backed to the door, his front still facing me.

"You're missing out baby," were his last words before he walked through the doors and bent the corner. I exhale loudly and clutch my chest. My heart was pounding so heavily.

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