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"Why didn't you tell me that you've been talking to Brad in that way?" was the first thing I ask her when we were in the car.

"What do you mean 'in that way'?" she air quotes, wiping her now wet eyes. I soften my body and reach to grab her hands, holding them in mines.

"I just didn't expect to hear him say you guys have been talking, like as friends. Did anything ever happen between you two?" I inquire, looking her dead in the eyes, hoping that she would deny my claims.

Her eyes avert to mines and behind them I could see gloom. "Lucien can you please just drop it?" she pleas.

I scoff, letting go of her hands "Drop it? Just like that? Why can't you answer a simple fucking question Amara?"

"Because it's irrelevant and you just want to stir something up with Brad," she glares.

I laugh in a fit. Unbelievable. "Well thanks for letting me know you slept with him."

Her eyes widen to me in disbelief. She mouths a wow. "You're unbelievable Lucien King."

"Ohh okay now I'M unbelievable? Yet you're the one that can't answer a simple fucking question but since you pretend to play dumb then I'll go on ahead to believe every word he said."

She shakes her head frantically. "Oh my goodness, everything MUST go your way huh? Since you won't let this go then yes, Brad and I talked before but we NEVER hooked up. Matter of fact I never saw him in that way. He came onto me lots of times but I never matched his energy. We just had ONE assignment together so I was forced to spend time with him. But after that, we hardly ever spoke. I tried my hardest to stay away from him. I never gave him the time of day but he couldn't take the hint."

"Well I believe that because it's obvious he's after you," I retort, earning an eye roll.

"I thought you'd continue to believe that him and I had sex. Thing is, you're so inconsiderate about other people's feelings that you consistently like to throw yourself in this dominant behaviour and belittle me. Why do you make me feel like I'm a child?"

"Amara I never meant to-" I go to defend myself but she raises a hand to cut me off.

"Oh you meant to alright. Thank you for making me feel like I'm a whore when I was faithful to a man who never once thought about having a long distanced relationship with the girl he 'supposedly' fell deeply in love with. Gosh! You're so good Lucien, so good. You act like you care about me when your words say otherwise. You deserve a fucking award."

Her eyes were so warm and intense on me that I knew for sure she could read all my thoughts, everything I felt and thought about her, about the people around her, written on my pupils.

She goes on to say, "Look, I understand how you feel Lu, but I feel like you're too insecure to think that there are actually people in your life who wouldn't leave you or do wrong by you."

I sigh and lean forward, intertwining my fingers over my knees. "You constantly say that... I never thought about you when I was in France but, I thought about you the whole time. When I left, I felt like the strings that connected our hearts together were slowly stripping away. I kept saying to myself that I would've been happy for you nonetheless, seeing as you deserved someone better, but deep down I hoped you would've waited. I was so afraid to lose you o-o-or to even think about you with someone else."

Amara looks at me with a thoughtful expression. "Then why aren't you happy that I did wait? If I wanted to be with Brad or anyone else, I wouldn't have stayed faithful to you. People change and we constantly do. That just means I get to fall in love with you all over again, no matter what happened in the past. I believed in us and I'll always choose you out of a room filled with people."

I sigh in contentment. I pull her closer into me and kiss the top of her head, her body moulding against mine. "Damn it Amara, don't you see how much I need you in my life? I'm sorry for doubting you."

"And I need you, my Lucien." She cups my chin in her hand and gives me a simple yet lustful kiss and for a moment, we just let our mouths sit against each other.

"Now can we just... forget about Brad and move on with our evening?" she suggests when we pull away.

I nod."Of course. We have a ball to get ready for and I simply cannot wait to see you all dazzled in your dress."


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