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"Have fun tonight, Amara."

"Oh I'll have fun sleeping tonight all right." I reply to my biggest buyer as he leaves with another painting done by a famous artist named Rory Mitchell. A loud huff escapes my chapped lips as I head out the Air Conditioned building with a quick pace. My wet tongue lapped over my dry bottom lip and soaked it to revive it back to life. The hooting of an owl slightly dazed me as I walked down the dark street and to the direction of my car, holding my oxygen tank tightly between my fingers.

It all seemed like yesterday, where my life completely altered from one nerve-wrecking situation to another. My mother and Luke are officially married and my college graduation is tomorrow.

As time flew by, I found myself taking up the responsibility in running the Art gallery Mr. Chester gifted three Christmases back and finishing school altogether. I got familiar with the market and with the help of a few of Luke's friends, I was able to sell my first piece. Soon after, business really took off.

Speaking of Mr. Chester, he decided to sell his and Josephine's house in California and moved back to his hometown in Lancaster where he found out that he had a sister and his six nieces and nephews living there. We were much closer than before I must recall.

On another note, my two bestfriends, Cotton and Sylvia started going out last year as Cotton's "play-hard-to-get" attitude disappeared.

I mean I was happy, undeniably contented. Life was good. I'm an aspiring writer with Art on the side, everyone around me was happy and extremely supportive to me.

I just couldn't put my thoughts to a halt when it came to him.

It seems as if our last goodbye was forever. No calls, no replies, no texts, no letters. Only a bouquet of flowers congratulating me on investing in the Art gallery. I always wondered how he heard the news but I feel like my mom had been secretly keeping cellular conversations with him throughout the passing years. I didn't press the subject further though, I just pushed him aside in the first half and focused on myself.

His distance even affected his father much less his academics. I do keep in touch with Damien from time to time as he likes to check up on me.

As wonderful as it sounds, Damien informed me that Lucien has been taking the rest of his courses online. He was still a graduate and I'm elated to know that he's graduating.

He put his mother first. I respect his dedication. Hell I was even the one to push him into her direction seeing as she needed him most. What dissapointed me was that he didn't think about letting me in on whatever was happening in his life for the past three years, or even letting me go visit her with him.

Was he ashamed of me? Did he take our goodbye as a breakup?

I shook the menacing thoughts out my head and unlocked the car, swiftly getting in and locking all doors first. The engine ignited and I sped down the road and into the direction of campus in attempt to catch up on some last minute work.

My phone suddenly rang in my purse but I couldn't reach because it was on the left back seat. I said to myself that I would call back whoever it was when I'm safely on campus.

As promised, I pull up on school's grounds and get out, heading in the direction of my dorm. I passed a hand through my fully grown out hair and exhale as I go to fish out my phone when it rang once more. I checked the caller ID and roll my eyes inwardly as I saw who it was.

"Hey, Brad," I put on a fake cheery voice as I picked up on the 3rd ring. What does he want from me now?

"So, how's the new job?" he asks.

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