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It's been a long yet seemingly quiet week since Brad's attack and disappearance. I have been away from work just to try and get things in order again. I've familiarise both my and Lucien's family upon the traumatising events that occurred. Though I've tried my hardest to discard my mom's pleas of wanting me to move out of the country for a while, a part of me knew she was right for many reasons.

But how could I just leave? I've done so many things here, met so many genuine people who has filled the void of uncertainty in my life, I've met the love of my life here, my parents, his family, my work, my dreams, they are ALL here. I'm tired of running away from my problems, I'm tired of acting weak and feeble. I wasn't going to let Brad or anyone scare or hurt me, never once did in the past and for sure as hell I wasn't going to let it happen now.

Deep down, behind my tough act, I was indeed scared, not for my life, but for the ones I love. Brad knows my every move and if he can't get to me, I fear he tries to take his anger out on my family or worse yet, Lucien.

On the contrary, I'm elated that everyone agrees that I move in with Lucien. Needless to say, I was safer with him and at least I can keep an eye on him. Call me over protective and call me helpless, but with cancer or not, I would defend Lucien against this earth any day.

At the moment, I am in my room packing a few essentials, clothes, shoes and my favourite reading books to take to Lucien's house, seeing as I'm really moving in with him. When I hear Lucien's car revving outside, I strode over to the window and saw that him and Cotton were playing around with Lucien's Volkswagen, whilst mom and Luke sat on the swings on the lawn, laughing at Cotton who accidentally hit his head on the bonnet of the car.

I smile weakly, but it soon fades as I realise that things were about to change. My now happy family were going to be in the midst of worry because of me. Lucien's work is going to become harder, because of me. It was only a matter of time before he found me. I didn't know what's yet to happen next. I dare not think about it.

I muster the courage to accompany them outside after lots of alone time to think. I smile to myself at the way Lucien and Cotton were talking amongst themselves. I really loved how much they were bonding now despite everything that has happened in the past. But the past is in the past for a reason.

I make my way over to mom and Luke who patted the space they made for me to sit with them on the swing. I squinch my way in between them and they both wrap their arms around my shoulders, giving me a kiss each to the sides of my head.

"Are you okay monkey?" my mom asks me.

I nod and look down. "I'm fine, a bit overwhelmed but, I'm doing okay."

"You don't sound too 100% Mars," Luke questions my mood and looks concerned. "You know you can't get anything past us, we're always here for you."

I fixate my eyes to my boyfriend and drown myself in thought for a moment. Within the past few years that I have known Lucien, I have come to love and adore all the little unique characteristics and attributes of him. He is an immense noteworthy individual who can be best detailed as a gentle, short-tempered, gigantic personage with a splendid sense of humor. He has the both bad and good qualities like any other human being, but the good always outweighs the bad when you get to know the real him. He is characterised of being a caring individual, paramour and truest boon companion.

Many people disregard the wonderful things about him and have him under tough speculation. However, I for one took the time to be understand Lucien on a level I never expected to view and appreciate his true identity.

I know that along the way, our relationship is going to be tested and if we ever want to take the next step in our relationship, we will get to understand if we still love each other even after acknowledging that it is not going to be a joy ride. I know with Lucien, we can weather the storm together.

I turn back to my parents and reassure them with a big grin. "Really, I'm fine. Overwhelmed but gosh I'm excited to start this new adventure! I know living together is a big step in a relationship and we will be tested in varied aspects but with Lucien, everything feels right. I also believe it's the right thing to do as well, and if Brad ever targets again, at least we're in each other's view. Whatever tests we go through, as long as we go through them together."

"Oh monkey," mom pulls me into her embrace and I wrap my free arm around Luke's waist to embrace both of them in a group hug. It's painful to know that I'll be away from them for a while.

Despite all that my parents have been through with me, they never failed to be there for me. I started to feel the tears pooling around the bottom of my eyes. I couldn't breath, I couldn't talk anymore and lastly, I couldn't believe.

There have been positive and negative effects, from this situation that I have experienced. Although Lucien and I never wished for any of this to happen, it happened for a reason and it might lead to even better situations to come. I wish for happiness all around.

"Listen to me Amara," my mom starts to say and I turn to face her. She wipes the tears away and sits me up straight.

"In life, I have been through good and bad, ups and downs, but the one thing that changed my life for eternity, was the day that you were born. I never imagined that one tiny little beautiful human could change my life. They say that the second you see your child, you'll experience a love that you've never experienced before. In some instances I feared that I wasn't being a good mother and then when your father and I discovered you had adenocarcinoma, I thought about giving up, as honest as I can be. You were so young and you didn't have any understanding of what you were going through but you didn't give up like many other kids did. Then when your father left, it was as if him leaving gave me the motivation and strength to fight with you to beat whatever obstacles life threw your way.

You've changed my whole outlook on life and you've taught me so many things about the world and so many things about myself. You were my miracle baby and my love for you was and will always be unconditional. Reason why I'm saying all of this is because you mean the world to me and I would go to the end of the earth for you. I would do anything to protect you, love you and care for you. Even if it means letting you go, I just want you to know that I will always be here."

"Oh mom, I love you. I'm extremely happy that you and Luke met because I know that he will always be there to mend the bitterness in your heart."

"We're both really proud of you Mars," Luke says, giving my hair a long kiss. I grin widely.

"We know Lucien will take care of you," he adds.

"Ready to go princess?" Lucien calls, walking over to where we sat. I nod, moving the tank from off my legs to my shoulders as I stand up. We intertwines our hands together and stand in front of my parents, who both came to give us a hug with Cotton joining in as what may seem as our last group hug for a while.

"Lucien?" Luke calls as she pulls way.

"Yes Mr. Nightingale?"

"Take good care of our daughter."


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