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Heavily blessed and grateful for 10+k reads on How To Love! Massive thank you to all my supporters. You guys truly are amazing ♡!)


After Lucien refused to be taken to a hospital, I took it upon myself to tend to his wounds on my own. For the rest of his birthday, we danced under the sparkly night sky and held each other close. After everyone left, we came back to our room and made love like it was our first time all over again. When the next day came, I woke up with a massive headache and a pair of sored feet. For the first time this fall, I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed.

As much as I wanted to stay in this cozy queen sized bed in our hillside room with my guy forever and spend the morning his arms as a newly engaged couple, I had to get up since I wanted to go visit Maxime in the hospital. Lucien needed all the rest he could get so I decided to solo the visit.

I'm now sitting on the edge of the bed, strapping my cream braided wedges on, getting ready to leave. As I walk over to the desk and grab my purse stuffed with all my on-the-go necessities, a warm hand tugs on my right upper arm and spins me around. I yelp as my face makes contact with a coarse surface with my hair flying all over.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lucien questions in a sleepy voice. His hands moved to my waist and grip them to steady me from falling.

I exhale heavily, moving the hairs away that covered my eyes. "I feel like my heart is ready to leap out of my chest with that scare!"

He laughs in a neurotic manner, titling his head to the side. I watch him expectantly.

"Are you leaving me?" he asks again, but this time with a more stern expression.

"Never. We're bound together forever aren't we?" I say gently, showing him my left hand that's now accompanied by the gorgeous ring he proposed to me with last night. I absentmindedly place my hands on his pecks and trace the skin with my fingertips. He closes his eyes at the gentleness.

When his eyes open again, he takes both sides of my head in his hands and gives my forehead a long, lingering kiss.

"Bonjour, mon beau fiancé," he whispers, his thumbs caressing my cheeks. It was in that moment that I felt like a thousand bolts being lit in my body. I could get used to waking up to this every morning for the rest of my life.

(Good morning, my beautiful fiancé in French).

"Bonjour, ma belle fiancée," I whisper in response, my fingers tracing mindless circles on his chest. I stop my actions and my mouth curves into a frown as I lightly pass my fingers on the stitches near his collarbone.

(Good morning, my beautiful fiancée in French).

"What's wrong princess?" his voice rose with concern.

"I just," I pause for a moment to think. Even though my fiancée told me not to, I couldn't help but ponder on who would want Lucien to die? I mean of course we have two prime suspects, but I don't think Clarissa would ever do anything to hurt Lucien seeing as her obsession has grown for him. I wouldn't get it past Brad, however, since he has threatened to take Lucien's life.

"What if there is a next time and... you die? I don't think I could live without myself Lucien, knowing that these people are out there, pawning on you from a distance, because of me?" my lips tremble only at the thought.

He sighs, rubbing my palms along my hands to soothe my tense body. "Trust me, I'm so sick of all of it as well. I can't promise you that the drama will fade anytime soon but what I can promise is your safety. You're always safe with me princess and you know that. I just wish you'd stop bringing this up like I specifically told you not to."

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