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For the rest of our date night, we dined and chatted, trying to catch up on our lives as much as possible. You never know what'll happen in the future. Later in the night, we drove to this massive house he claims is his, just outside of the city.

I mean, massive, in a dramatic tone, is a total understatement for a description. A nice, cozy place up in the country, a quick 20 minutes drive away from the city as well.

His father bought him for it, he informed me, as a gift to him for being such a good son and for allowing his dad to be in his life again, even after everything he put his son and his ex wife through.

Though Lucien declined at first, not wanting to owe anything to his father, Damien insisted that it was a gift, out of many he'll receive since he missed out on so many years of his young life. What caught my attention was the little side garden he had at the right and the way his lawn was neatly trimmed and scattered with pink lilies and lavenders and peonies.

Lucien comes around to the passenger side and opens the door for me, taking my hand in his. He clicks the car to lock it and Maxime pulls up into the big gap seconds after. He approaches us after he gets out and locks his vehicle and speaks to Lucien in French again. He then nods over to me and smiles halfway.

I take it he likes me. The little action made me happy.

"I enjoyed your company tonight Maxime, even if you just stood and watched. Your presence alone gave me a sense of safety," I announce.

"That is my job madam, to protect you and the boss," he says in comfort. I turn to Lucien who was glaring at Maxime.

"Why do I need protecting?" I ask him. He darts his eyes to me and his features soften. "You're my girlfriend. You need to be protected under all circumstances, whether I'm near or far."

"Are yo-" my sentence didn't finish. I was being hauled over Lucien's shoulder again and toted all the way into the house and to a flight of stairs.

"Tell Mrs. Haynes to lock up Maxime!" Lucien yells from halfway up the stairs and to another level.

"What is with you and throwing me over your shoulder?" my question muffles as my face is pressed against his back.

"I get to slap what's mine," he says with the tenth smack to my butt cheeks for the night.

He stops for a moment in front of what seemed as a room and pushed the door open. His footsteps gets muffled on the fluffy white carpet and out of no where I am being thrown on his bed. I sit up and watch as he walked over to the door and closes it shut.

My eyes follow his every action as he discards his blazer in a bin next to the door leading to the bathroom for what seemed as for dirty clothes. He walks over to his ginormous closet and pulls out two pairs of clothing, throwing a boxer briefs and a black oversized tee to me. He throws his night wear onto the bed and starts pulling at his west coat when I crawl to the edge of the bed to help him. I undo the buttons and threw it on the plush sofa along with his unbuttoned shirt. My fingers only touch his belt buckle when his fans over mines. I eye him through my eyelashes and bat them at him.

He smirks and lets me continue what I was doing. "I'm fucking horny again," he blurts out.

I laugh. "Then go take a cold shower."

"Only if you take one with me," he implies.

"Deal," I smirk, "but not a cold one."

He then helps me undress and does the same with my clothes. "Mrs. Haynes will wash them for you."

So she's his housekeeper. I don't want to say maid, the term doesn't really fit.

The bathroom was huge enough for more than two people to fit in. I rest the oxygen tank to the side of the bathroom and he assisted in helping me dangle the tubes in a way that I wouldn't get caught with water. There was no sliding door, just a barrier blocking the water from spraying into the rest of the room. The warm water hits my back and I sigh as it cascades down to my feet and hits the tiled floor underneath.

He comes behind me and turns me around, engulfing me into his embrace so we share the water. With one hand, he looses my French braid and pulls me more under the shower for my hair to get wet.

"My father and his wife are hosting a masquerade ball tomorrow night. I promised I'd make an appearance and I want you to come with me," he informs me, a bit sterner than I expected.

I clear my throat. "I've never been to a masquerade ball. I don't have a dress for that. What am I going to do with my hair?"

"It's all going to be taken care of. I promise." He kisses my shoulders and trails it to my lips.

"I-I-I think I'm in love with you all over again," I blurt out, but I was being honest.

"Do you mean that?" his shocked tone caught me off guard.

I only nod and rest my head against his chest, holding onto him like my life depended on it.

He doesn't respond for a moment. I squeeze my eyes tighter, afraid to look at him in embarrassment. He clears his throat making my eyes shoot open and direct my attention to his.

"Was it the sex?" he asks in a serious tone.

I shake my head. "You're bringing back memories, bad, good, memorable nonetheless. Memories that I want to hold on to for a lifetime. I want our kids to hear our wild story, our grandkids and their kids."

"Wait, do you want to have a family...with me?" he asks with pure adoration written across his features.

"Of course I do. Do you want to have a family with me?" I ponder.

"I've always wanted a family and with the perfect girl, my dreams are coming true. But not just yet though. When everything is smooth sailing."

I giggle and gave his chest a light kiss.

"Also, I don't want to have to share you with anyone yet."


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