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As we drove to the store where we'd pick out a dress for her, I kept thinking about how tonight was going to play off. My father, being the empath that he is, always held charity balls and masquerade balls in order to help his company name grow and his business to expand.

Well that's what I think about it.

In the eyes of others he just has shit loads of money and wants to help the needy and disabled.

Compared to my work force he thinks he has the upper hand, the authority to rule me once again, using his position as VP on Stanford's Board Of Directors to give him a name.

But he wasn't fooling anyone but himself.

I was pulled out of my train of thoughts when the car came to a halt and Maxime was getting out of the driver's seat. I proceed to make my way out and let Amara come out from my side, shutting the door and walking hand in hand to the store. Instructing Maxime to wait at the door, I guide her along a line of hairdressing stalls and straight to the back of the store where clothes were sectioned off from the rest.

Loretta, a reserved African-American lady in her early 60's, greeted us warmly, going to Amara first, squishing her cheeks playfully as a sign of her comfort. Loretta was the owner of the boutique and a dear friend to my family.

"Oh I've heard so much about you!" Loretta gushes, making Amara eye me suspiciously.

"All good things I hope," she plays it off by smiling and I exhale through my nose.

"They call me "Mama Lo" but my government name is Loretta," Loretta smiles warmly at Amara and I roll my eyes at her statement.

"No one calls you Mama Lo, ma pêche," I give each of her cheeks a kiss.

(My peach in French).

"Lucky, you and your fancy words. Don't think I can't keep up even at this old age," she pinches my cheek and walks away. I see Amara smile to herself at the nickname Loretta calls me.

"Oh, I know not to doubt you," I clear my throat, "ma pêche, I was wondering if you could accomodate Amara with the finest dress your store has. It will be worn at my father's masquerade ball tonight. You both are females and you both love petite styles so you'll work together just fine. And how about I make an appointment for a makeover out front? A-" I got cut off by Loretta stopping me with her hand, shaking her head.

"Lucky, I've watched you grow up. You come like my own son which means Amara is like my daughter. You know I'd do anything for you."

I nod, smiling. "Of course."

"Good. Now you leave Amara with the girls and I. I don't want to see you back here in less than two hours. I promise you this gem will look astonishing once Mama Lo works her magic. Now leave!" She orders and I made up my mind to leave before Loretta chases me off with her walking stick.

I kiss Amara goodbye and tell her that Maxime will be waiting for her outside.

Before leaving the boutique, I informed my bodyguard that I was going to take a stroll around town and to never let Amara out of his sight. I stroll down the streets for a bit, just enjoying the company of myself and taking in the view of the busy city. But every corner I took, I felt as though someone was following me.

A jewellery store on my right caught my full attention so I cross the street and made my way in. The clerks greeted me with a warm welcome and I smile.

"Mind me asking this but, are you Lucien King?" The store manager asks as my eyes scanned the variety of silver necklaces that I think would match Amara's mysterious dress perfectly. Silver fits everything.

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