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I woke up the next morning with an enormous smile on my face. It was my finally my favourite boy's birthday and I'm excited to start making additional preparations to his birthday bash. I've decided that I wanted to create my own dishes and snacks from scratch instead of having a caterer.

Ultimately, my parents, Cotton and Sylvia volunteered to give me more hands since I couldn't prep everything alone.

Whilst my half of the family and I will be busy with the food, Damien and Lavyrle will be occupied with booking our stay at the Villa and preparing their Carriage House for our event tonight. I was really elated to hear that Damien and Lavyrle were getting along, even if it's for the sake of their son. I know Lucien would be thrilled all on his own.

I reach over to the nightstand and pull out my nebulizer from the top drawer. I took a long puff and allowed the medicine to relieve the pain I had in my chest. Finally feeling like myself again, I inch my way from under the duvet. As I threw my feet over and they hit to the floor, I adjust the tubes to my nose and spotted a note on his bedside table, an artificial lily attached to the back.


Since the day I met you, my life has never been the same

Our love story is like fire, in the beginning very pretty, often hot and fierce

but still only light and flickering, like a flame

Together, we become one in a loving presence

Like Van Gogh declared "Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence"

It was you and only you

who understood my heartbeat and its racing

You'll always be the girl worth fighting for

As the sun falls for the moon to rise

you'll keep me chasing

"J'ai vu que tu étais parfait, alors je t'ai aimé"

Lucien xoxo

(I saw that you were perfect, so I loved you in French).

I huff at his attempt to make me burst into tears at this time of day but smile to cover up the fact that I truly was crying, just a little trickle. Lucien doesn't know how much his words have a strong effect on me and his poetry skills have made a drastic improvement since college.

A sudden loud clatter coming from downstairs pulled me out of my train of thoughts. My curiosity peaked so I jump out of bed, strap my tank on my back, slip my feet into my cozy bedroom slippers and slowly padded down the steps.

With each step I took, I kept thinking of one person who could possibly be there, making me shiver in fear. Another knocking sound startled me coming from the kitchen area and I felt like I peed my pants. My eyes dash to the long black bat Lucien kept at the end of the staircase and in a haste, I grab ahold of it. I and raised it over my head in case it was an intruder. However, I didn't think it was since Lucien has like 50 locks on the heavy built steel doors he had installed, all the windows were burglar proofed and I'm positive he had security cameras installed on the outskirts of the property as well.

As I rounded the corner, ready to swing, I stopped in my tracks as a loud throat curdling scream sounded in my ears, making me drop the bat to cover my ears.

"What the hell Amara Belle?! You scared me," was the sound of my mother yelling at me for almost giving her a heart attack.

"I scared you? I'M SCARED RIGHT NOW!" I yell back, clutching my chest as I tried to catch my breath.

"How did you guys even get in the house?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at Luke sitting at the counter unfazed, eating an apple whilst Cotton froze in front of the refrigerator.

"Lucien gave us a key," Luke informs me in between chews, presenting the key to me on his car keychain.

I cross my arms and eye them intently. "When was this?"

"When you moved in. He said it would be best if her parents had a key just in case anything happens or just to check up on you," mom interrupts, finally getting ahold of her composure. Lucien is so sweet for that, my caring boyfriend.

Cotton grunts. "You're all out of peanut butter."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Why do you want peanut butter?"

He turn his attention to me and shrugs. "Just in the mood for it."

"So," mom claps her hands together, "we've brought all types of meat just in case you'd like to prep more than just chicken, got you some fresh market, ice cream, we just went crazy at the stores!!"

I laugh at her excitement. I'm really happy that both sides of the family were getting involved in making sure that Lucien gets the celebration he deserves. All his loved ones gathering in one room tonight is not something you will see everyday but the love and support, I know for a fact, will be appreciated in Lucien's heart forever.

I walk over to join them all at the counter and place my elbows on the surface, resting my chin on my palms. "Okay well you guys know how much I appreciate the help and I know Lucien will be moved to know how much you've been involved. I just want everything to be perfect tonight... and forever."

Mom strides over to me and rubs my back in a soothing manner. "Oh monkey," she pulls me into her chest and I rest my head there, "you've done so much in Lucien's life and I'm so proud of you. Love is lovely and I'm glad you were able to find your special someone to share such a lovely feeling with."

"Thanks mama," I kiss her cheek and shoot her a smile. "I just hope nothing bad happens though," I add with a frown.

"Nonsense, we'll make sure that everything is done to perfection," Luke chimes in, smiling an appley smile.

"Thanks dad," I wink.

"So," Cotton starts, "it's 8:10am so I guess we should start getting busy now if we want to make that trip to Sonoma by 5 and help the Kings prep the space."

I nod. "Well they'll be taking care of décor and music and I had Mr. King phone Lucien to have him come there instead of here than having me do it."

"Yeah because you know you're bad at surprises," Cotton retorts.

I go to defend myself but decided upon it, knowing very well I'm bad at surprises. "Yup, I may just ruin the whole thing."

"Well, let's divide the work and we'll get started. For now, Amara, get tidied, I'll make you some breakfast while I have Luke and Cotton fire up that grill I scoped out in the backyard."


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