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Before we knew it, we were finally in the Villa's carpark. A few of their staff came to assist us in offloading both cars. The Villa manager greeted us with a warm welcome and directs us to the Courtyard Lawn. In the distance, we could hear faint tunes but as we move closer and closer, we could hear the sound of soft grunge music, Lucien's favourite genre.

The Courtyard Lawn was such a beautiful area and by tomorrow I'd love to see many more beautiful attractions this Villa has in store for its guests and visitors. With its gardens providing a vast oasis with a variety of flowers, trees, and plants, it exudes an appealing ambiance. At first I thought it was a bit too large to accommodate less than 20 people, but when I saw the décor and the setup, I was instantly gushing. The moonlight's backdrop within the autumn trees was a perfect addition to the event.

"Amara and Amara's family!" Damien was the first to greet us. He gives my mom a tight hug and shakes both Luke and Cotton's hands. I wave over to Sylvia who was busy at the sound system and she waves back. Cotton makes his way to greet his girlfriend and my parents occupied themselves by examining the beautiful accommodation we got booked just for this special occasion.

"Hello darling." I smile softly as Damien pulls me into his embrace. We hug for a few seconds before he pulls away to compliment my dress. "You always look so stunning," he gushes, spinning me around.

I giggle and did a small pose. "Would you believe me if I tell you that this was a last minute pick?"

He shakes his head no. "Lucien is a lucky fellow."

"I like to think I'm more of the lucky one," I respond. "They're on their way right?"

"Yes, Maxime called and informed me that they just passed Roseland," Damien replies.

"Wait they're moving by car?" I ask in confusion.

"Well they planed halfway from Oregon because Lucien had some additional business to take care of for me in Sacramento and decided to just drive the rest of the way here."

I nod at his confirmation. In the corner of my eyes I spotted Lavyrle standing all alone in a corner. My eyes scan the people who scattered themselves across the lawn and I spot Adelyn chatting with a group of people I recognise as Damien's work colleagues. Lucas, who stood a few meters across the lawn, hands in his pocket, had his eyes fixated on me. His dark hair framed his face and I could barely see his eyes, even beneath the dim twinkly lights that accented the beautifully garnished covering an extremely long dining table. I shoot him a small smile and he sends one back.

I hear my mom's voice shout Damien's name and we both turn to see her gesturing for him to join her and Luke. We turn to each other again and smile simultaneously. "Well I'll see you in a few darling. Can you do me a favour and talk to Lavyrle a little? Since we came here she seemed so distant and concealed," Damien's face fell when he described his ex-wife's down mood and I sympathised for them both.

Deep down I thought that there was more to them than they both led on, but it wasn't my place to ask about their history and possible present facades.

"I'm sure she misses her son. Maybe she'll feel a lot better when Lucien arrives," I suggest, earning a small chuckle.

"Maybe. He's her light you know, mine too," he declares and I felt all happy inside. He gives my left cheek a light kiss and leaves my side, walking over to join my parents.

My eyes shift between both Lavyrle and Lucas again in an attempt to ascertain who I should confront first, but in the end I made my decision on Lavyrle based on Damien's opinion on her mood. As my long legs carry me over to where she stood, my eyes dart to Lucas and I mouth that I'll join him in a few.

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