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The sun beamed through the thick windows of our bedroom as I open my eyes and stretch lazily.

Amara suddenly moves about beside me and also stretched her arms, her eyes lingering on my face.

"Good morning princess," I say in my morning voice, my thick French accent prominent.

"Good morning my dearest," she squeaks quietly, resting her hands on her stomach.

My eyes twitch as I study her. "You know I can sense when something's wrong. What's wrong? Is the baby okay?"

"The baby is fine," she answers, tossing her hair behind her ear. "Just everything else is wrong. So wrong that I can't seem to comprehend the reasons behind them and how to come up with a solution."

Suddenly I felt like pouring out everything to her. There was no keeping secrets between us. But somethings just need to be kept concealed until the right time. But what if never is the right time?

"You're spacing out again," she says lazily, rolling onto her left side to face me. "How come you're still home?"

My muth hangs agape in total shock.

"You don't even want me in my own house now?"

"Well you act like you don't want to be here," she defends.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I prop myself up with my left hand and glare at her, making sure that my question was bold and serious and not in any way sarcastically applied.

She breathes heavily. "Look," she starts but I interrupt her.

"Before you tell me off, remember you are with child. Your actions will affect the way they grow."

"And because I am with child I'm forfeiting from this argument. This baby is making me more hungry than I usually am so I'm going to feed both of us. Don't forget, you promised that we'd work on our New Year's resolutions list together."

I chuckle at her effort to order me around but instantly flinch when she groans in deep pain. I move closer to her side instantly, rubbing her stomach without her asking.

"Sharp pain?" I ask softly.

She nods. "I didn't expect it so early. It's almost New Year's. After the holidays are over I'm scheduling a doctor's appointment."

"I already did," I admit, continuing to stroke her now exposed stomach.

She clicls her teeth. "Oh that's good. Anything else you're hiding from me?"

I smothered a laugh and shook my head before kissing her. It was a short, sweet kiss that only lasted seconds.

"Thank you for loving me."

"Forever," she kisses me again before leaving to go to the bathroom. I sigh stressfully and sit at the edge of the bed. Everything that happened then and now kept reliving in my thoughts since last night.

What would Amara's life be without me? Probably the best. I had thoughts about leaving her, because she deserves better than me. She deserves someone who doesn't have to be bodyguarded because everyone wants his life. As much as I hated the idea, I considered her feelings. After all, I impregnated her.

She wanted love, a family, a reason to live. There was no turning back now.

The ringing of my phone brought me out of my lomg train of thoughts. I reached out to it but stopped abruptly as I saw who was calling.


I wasn't sure if to answer or not. I force myself to answer the call, not wanting to risk another threat.

"Were you going to ignore my call? Do you not know who's life is on the line right now?" he answers deviously.

I could tell he was smirking. I hear the shower come on and I move closer out the room and into the hallway.

"Did you tell her?" he asks.

"She doesn't need that kind of stress right now. Just give me some time to organise everything for you. Please Brad," I plea. I pace back and forth in the hallway in frustration.

He cackles in amusement. "Wow. I never thought I'd hear the fearless Lucien King beg. Can you repeat so I can record it?"

"Fuck you, you asshole!" I yell, feeling the stress instantly building up in my body again.

"If it's not done in time Lucy, in due time, you'll see action. Get your army ready, before it's too late."


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