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"Guys!" Lucas yells to everyone.

Everyone's head flickered to our direction and they all gasp, rushing over.

"Oh, my God! Lucien!" Lavyrle and Damien were the first to rush forward, pampering him with kisses and affection, which earned grunts and groans from Lucien due to his unattended wounds across his face and I'm sure on his body.

"Lucien how did you get here?" Syl asks him.

"Later, Syl, I can't answer any questions right now. Maxime has been taken to the hospital. His wounds are worse than mine," he spoke so calmly, so easily, without a touch of hurt, but inside I know he was shaken up. When his eyes met mine, it never left.

It's as if everyone knew that Lucien and I waned to be left alone, so they all backed away and filled the space under the canopy. Everyone saw and cleared space for us to meet.

"Come on, mom," Lucas says to Adelyn, pulling her to away to talk to her in private.

"I need a drink," Cotton says. The rest soon followed, giving us time for ourselves.

We stare longingly at each other for a while. I froze in my spot. My eyes scan him from top to bottom, digesting his wounds and his bloody attire, trying to rid of these horrid thoughts that encircled my mind. The idea losing him was not a good thought to have. He was the first to break the deafening silence.

"Did you miss me?" he asks with a grin plastered on his face.

"Goodness, I thought... I thought you were dead. I-I-I thought I was never going to see you again Lucien," my voice went jaded and hoarse.

Noticing my shaking posture, he limps over to me and embraces me safely into his arms, not caring if he's putting pressure on his fresh wounds. I didn't care about the dried blood either.

"It's all right princesse, I'm here," he soothes, trying to calm my continuous cries.

(Princess in French).

"I was so scared. I was so scared. I thought I lost you forever."

"Not a chance. I'm here. I'm not sure, we made a bad swerve. Someone intentionally cut the cables under the steering wheel and made it look like an accident, when it was intentional," he says pulling away slightly so he could look down a me. Both our eyebrows furrowed at the same time.

"Do you think," my eyes widen, "do you think Brad had something to do with your accident? Or an association to him?"

"That could be a thought. I mean it's strange, because we were fine from the moment we left Sacramento, until we made that one stop..." he trails off, looking to the other direction.

"Anyways, I'd get into it as soon as I take a long shower and have something into my belly," he laughs warmly and I force a smile, biting my lip.

"Thank goodness you're both okay. I'm giving Maxime a visit first thing in the morning," I let my hands escape from around his waist and fold them in front of me, diverting my eyes to the people behind him.

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