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Walking out of the hospital, my dark, bloodshot eyes twinkled up at the mid morning sky. Dealing with people who thinks I'm psychotic was a difficult thing. To have everyone turn their backs on you, to turn the other cheek just because you're trying to get what truly belongs to you, is blood boiling. The past moments of us together kept replaying over and over in my head like a film. I longed for Amara Belle. I was there for her when that sadistic, callous and disgraceful son of a bitch left her in the shadows. I felt like it was my duty to get her away from that animal and bring her home to where she REALLY belonged.

As I sat down in the bakery shop on the opposing side of the street, my arms folded on the tabletop I leaned against, my eyes staring immensely at the couple briskly walking out the same hospital I just came out.

I chuckle under my breath. Probably to see that douchebag bodyguard who I thought I killed. The plan was so simple. Hijack the car, kill both of them. But these bastards have 9 lives or something.

There were barely people out at this time of morning and shops have now started opening up. An opportunity to get Amara alone was all I was hoping for. I needed to be close to her. I want to breathe in her breathtaking scent and stare at her beautiful face. To wrap my arms around her curvaceous body and tickle her hair. I want to kiss her ever so passionately, pull her in close to remind her that she was mine.

Only a matter of time Brad. I think to myself.

My eyes shifted from the 4 men in black shielding them to scowl at the way Lucien caressed Amara in his arms. His hands rested on both sides of her waist and hers held tightly on his upper arms, their eyes connected and they smiled lovingly at each other, grins plastered widely on their mouths.

I wanted that, so badly. Her chestnut brown hair swept graciously in the air as the strong wind picked up. As the effect, she stumbled forward but her darling saviour caught her before she made both of them off balanced.

My teeth gritted at the action of his hands moving down towards her butt. I slammed the table harshly, making a few heads turn my way. My eyebrows cocked upwards at their next movement. They shared a small kiss and Amara suddenly walked in the direction of the bakery where I sat, with Lucien and his goons walking off towards the other direction. I move towards a seat closer to the back and ducked my head slightly so she wouldn't see me.

When she entered, the first thing I admired was the way she smiled and greeted the girl at the counter.

God I yearn for Amara. My eyes traveled to her butt, the tight denim jeans making it an easy printout. I wanted to walk up to her and grab her from behind, pull her into my chest and kiss her like it's our last. In front of EVERYONE.

She turned her head away for a moment, giving me an opportunity to study her face and her thoughts from a side view. Rather stoic if you ask me. I felt my saliva stick in my throat, my mouth went dry, as we suddenly made eye contact. Her lips played a small smile and I dared not hold a staring contest.

I shifted in my seat and my right knee shivered uncontrollably as she approached my table with a latte in her hand. I wet my lips and I eye her suspiciously but confidently.

"U-U-U-Uh," for the first time in my life, have I ever stuttered in front of a girl. I smile to play it off and clear my throat.

"Hey Brad," she greets casually. God, the way my name rolls off her tongue puts me in a trance. Her voice was my favourite sound in the world.

"Amara, hey. How have you been?" I ask, a smile never leaving my face.

"I'm doing good. I'm really happy. And yourself? Seems like you running away from your problems has you under a lot of stress," she said, louder and much firmer this time.

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