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Looking back, I think it's safe to blame Serendipity for everything that happened the day it all began.

I'm not saying I had whirlwind of romance around a series of accidental encounters that led me to finding love in the past, we've all seen the reality show of my college life. My serendipity all began the moment Amara and I first locked eyes on the first day.

I secretly despised her if I'm being mature about the situation. She was arrogant but uniquely beautiful, out of all the women I had been with. None could've been compared.

I wouldn't have hesitated in ruining her life if she didn't happen to change my life around. Needless to say, my view on love differed. My views of her changed and my life won't seem to be the way it is without her in it.

"I don't understand," she said when we were in the kitchen, rummaging through the cupboards for some ingredients. She insisted on giving the staff the night off and I agreed without a fight. I want my staff to be home with their families seeing as there's just a few days left before Christmas. I'd do anything for her and my little one. Her happiness is what matters.

"What don't you understand princess?" As I move the steamed vegetables to our plates already laid with baked chicken breasts, she came next to me and drizzled almond oil all over everything and breathed in the scent. We were currently having a discussion about the weird happenings between ma meré and ma peré ever since she came to the states. I myself noticed how closer they've gotten, the glances and stares they share, their body language towards each other. It's not that I don't want them to work things out, I just don't want my mother to get hurt by him once again. Additionally, he's also remarried to that witch he calls his wife.

(My mother and my father in French).

I never knew what he saw in Adelyn. In his eyes, she was a saint, but behind his back, she was always cruel to me and always made sure I had a hard time. Too, I always wonder about their similarities and having been living with her for a while, they were more argumentative towards each other than supportive. At times, even though I care to admit, I felt sorry for my father.

"Your parents' eccentric relationship. Okay so I didn't want to say this but since we're already on the topic, it's best that I reveal this top secret information," she chews on her bottom lip.

I rock myself on the bar stool as I watch and wait for her confession, munching on one of her freshly baked Christmas cookies.

She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and clears her throat. "The night of your birthday when we were waiting for you to arrive at Sonoma Coast, your mom confessed that.... how should I put this... that she's still in love with your dad."

It's not like I didn't know. It was definite, prominent if I can add.

"Nothing I don't already know," I retort, pointing at our food to make sure she's done with it. She nods, letting me take the plates to the dining room while she follows after with our drinks.

"Well I'm glad you can see the shift in their relationship. I don't want to take all the credit and make this about me but I did give her advice as to how to act upon her feelings," she plops into her seat and I scolded her about the safety of our fetus. She rolls her eyes, fighting a smile.

I take my seat facing her and we simultaneously picked up our forks together, taking our first strike at our food and letting our taste buds soak in its grace. "She told me about your pep talk and she sounds so contented now, which makes me happy. You were wonderful my love," I express after swallowing my first bite.

She blushes profusely and looks down at her plate. "I feel like he's also in love with her as well, but his marriage with Adelyn is holding him back from expressing his undeniable love to hrt. Speaking of Adelyn, these days she kind of rubs me off the wrong way." I notice how her eyes didn't crinkle and the way her hands were gripping the knife and fork until they turned white.

"What did she do or say to you?" I demand with a stern voice.

She shakes her head. "Nothing physical or verbal, I promise. It's just odd to me that when you proposed that night and I looked back behind the crowd, there she stood alongside Lucas with the biggest scowl of hate on their faces. But I didn't think too much into it seeing as I don't care about others' opinions on our love."

I hum in response, enjoying my food. "Probably jealous that you're marrying me and not Lucas."

"Now don't joke about things like that."

I shrug. "What? Everyone knew how much he was in love with you since the first day."

"Somehow I feel like they're plotting for our downfall too."

"Well we won't be giving them one," I say with a smile and her lips also tug upwards.

"So," she began, clapping her hands together, "since Christmas is in 3 days and I haven't realised that earlier, I was thinking that after work I'd go do some Christmas shopping. But I'd like it if we both do it. As a couple...." I daydreamed a little more, completely blocking out the conversation.

I was basically a walking cliché in silent mode, nothing but a cynical guy from a broken family whose parents decided that they were done with each other. I watched their marriage, their love fall part and I was caught in the storm they created.

While I'd gotten over the whole broken family things as the years went by, I'd never really seen romantic love the same way again.

"I can't believe it," Amara said, leaning back into her chair and glared across the table. "Were you even considering my question?"

I shake my head and started eating again. I didn't noticed I stopped motion.

"My apologies. Kindly repeat?"

She straightens herself in her seat, looking at me with fierce eyes, questioning herself of my daydreaming. "I was asking if you'd be up for some Christmas shopping after work? Or do you want me to call Jasper to accompany me?" she bites her bottom lip, eager for my answer.

"Nonsense, I'd be delighted. After all, you're marrying me." I force a chuckle.

"Are you okay Lu?" her concern for me will never stop.

"Splendid darling. Your safety is my number 1 priority." I need to be with her all the time. It's only a little my bodyguards can do to protect us. Amara is my life and I'm not letting Brad Sullivan harm her and our unborn at any cost.

"You're going to be an amazing father Lucien."

"Better than mine I hope."

She continues her ranting and this time I listened attentively as we continued eating.


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