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It happened to be the first week of December already. Today was one of the coldest days of winter so far. Since our last scare with Brad and Clarissa, we haven't heard of any snicker or snare from them, which was really refreshing seeing as it was the Christmas holiday season. This year, Lucien and I decided to invite both of our families to spend the Christmas week at our home and having everyone we love under the same roof together just gave me a warm feeling inside.

The sky opened with a thunderous crack, clouds covered the sky and brisk winds were blowing around me where I sat on the garden bench in the snow covered backyard. The sun peaked in the sky but it didn't bring much consolation. I didn't want to leave, however, since I just wanted to have some time for myself and think about everything that has happened for the past couple of months.

Whilst sipping on some hot chocolate, I decide to call my mom and tell her about Lucien and I's declaration. The phone rang for a couple of seconds then she finally answered on the fourth ring.

"Hi mom." I was the first to speak.

"Amara, sweetheart. How is the patient?" I loved how she was so concerned for Lucien, even after she disliked him in the beginning.

"And how are you my little bundle of joy? Oh I am doing wonderfully well mother," I say in her voice with full sarcasm, taking a long sip of the beverage.

"Oh I'm sorry monkey, you're always fine that's why I didn't ask," she retorts.

"Suuurreee," I roll my eyes.

She laughs lightly. "Oh honey, you know I'm just giving you a hard time! How are things going with you guys? Has it been quiet?"

My free hand found the inside of my coat pocket and I hug myself tighter. "Really quiet, too quiet might I add. It's comforting to know that no one's stalking us but..." I trail off, looking up at the sky in thought.

"But?" she urges.

"It's scary because what if they haven't given up? Or that they're coming up with some kind of life threatening plan to drag us down," I bite my bottom lip nervously.

"Oh baby, I wish I could give you a hug right now, but I can't so I'll have to remind Lucien to hold you tight tonight. It's okay to think about the outcomes but if you both think negative then you'll constantly be in fear for the rest of your life."

"It's not Lucien who's the negative one," I mumble under my breath.

"Then be his balance. Show him that you don't condone fear. Be the Amara that he knows and loves who can overcome anything."

"Well I did overcome my biggest fear, which was my cancer," I say lightly. She chuckles and I can picture her smiling.

"Right. Now be strong, for both of your sakes."

"You always know what to say, thanks mom," I couldn't resist a smile and I felt my cheeks heating up.

"I almost forgot, the real reason why I called you is to invite you to spend Christmas week with Lucien and I. It was all his idea, seeing as him and I are engaged and all. He thinks it will be the perfect opportunity to have our families engage and get to know one another better," I add, taking the last sip of my hot chocolate.

"He is such a sweet boy, that Lucien. He's growing on me Mars," she says.

"I love how close you both are now. I really appreciate you trying. And Lucien is good, I promise," I respond softly.

"Are you alright though? You do sound a little different, like you have a cold or so. You sound tired," her voice fills with concern.

"I just.... it's better if I tell you this in person mom."

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