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When we were back at Lucien's house, I couldn't help but let my mind pool around our last conversation back at the charity ball with Lucien and his family, how it completely slipped from Damien's mouth that him and Lavyrle may be hiding something, but not in such words. Just by their body language, it was prominent that... they may still fancy each other. Either my thoughts were accurate or I had too much champagne to drink.

Surely enough, there's no harm in having his ex-wife stay at his home, since he was the one who flied her out to reunite with her son and she had no place but a hotel room to stay. I won't think of it too much but I definitely won't let the hunch disappear forever either.

We head up to Lucien's bedroom and I instantly flop onto his bed, by body sore and my feet aching from wearing those 6 inch heels all night. I hear Lucien chuckle as he makes his way over to me and lays on top of me but not putting all of his weight.

I pretend I was suffocating and started clawing at the sheets. "I. can't. b-b-breathe." When he flops next to me, I start gasping for air.

"Oh don't be so dramatic, I didn't even put all my weight on you," he huffs and rolls his eyes.

"Still, I felt like a cow was thrown over me," I laugh. When he didn't budge, I kiss him quickly and wink, sitting up to unbuckle my heels.

"Do you need any help?" he offers and I nod. I mean I could've done it myself but if my man offers to do something for me, I will let him do it. I moan in relief as he unbuckles the heels and rests them on his shoe rack along with his shoes. I kick my feet up on the bed and lay on my back, staring up at the ceiling.

Lucien notices my silence for a moment but doesn't say anything. He starts undressing himself and I allow my eyes to follow his actions. However, he stops when he's shirtless, only leaving himself in his dress pants. He strides over to me and stands between my legs. I put my hands out for him to pull me up and he obliges, with my face now level with his crotch area.

"You're quiet," he says smoothly.

I roll my eyes. "Is that a bad thing?"

He pulls his bottom lip in between his teeth. "Watch. the. tone. Don't make me bend you over my lap and spank you until your ass is cherry red." There goes the somersaults in my stomach.

"That doesn't sound too bad," I murmur under my breath but he hears my confession and smirks.

"I'm just-" I start to say, when I see his hands fly to my hair and starts undoing the neat bun. "It's not important."

"Good," he hums, admiring me while he loosens the hair tie from my hair. As my now loose hair cascades down my back, he fixes it to how he likes it and then cups my face, eyeing his work. "What's important right now is you and I and your boyfriend has something to show you," he adds.

I look at him in confusion.

"Come." He grabs my hand and makes me follow behind him, our bare feet padding across the cold floor. I walk curious as to where he was taking me. We walked to an unusual area of the house, way down and going into the back.

"Its just around this door," he points to a red heavy built stoned door.

"What's this room before?" I ask, stopping abruptly. "That's just my study. I also work from home in case I can't make it to the office," as he explains, he pulls out a big key from his pant pocket and fiddles with keyhole to the locked chamber.

"What is it?" me with my questions. I'm just ready for him to make love to me and here he was showing me the 10th room in his house.

He smirks in a sexually deviant manner. "Just a little room for some.. extracurricular activities."

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