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"Oh! Well I came here to see you doll!" she makes her way to where I stood and I took the opportunity to back away from her as far as possible.

She pouts, cupping her arms together. "You aren't afraid of me are you? I wouldn't do anything to hurt Lucien's little puppet," she ignites, cackling loudly.

I decided to stay calm, not wanting to start any drama. I already have so much crap going on in my life, I didn't want Clarissa to add to the fire.

"I'm not afraid of you, I just don't want you to pollute my good air." My statement made her laugh even louder.

She smirks and points a finger. "You my dear, are feisty. Now I see why Lucio is in love with you."

"Okay," I say flatly. I didn't want to waste any more time and energy on a woman who has no self respect and morals.

"Speaking of Lucien, he told me what happened. I know you're in a lot of pain. I'm so sorry," she speaks in such a soft tone, it made me extremely uncomfortable. She always has this dark and poignant aura around her.

"Why would Lucien ever tell you something that's none of your business? Last I checked, he wants NOTHING to do with you," I scowl.

"He cares about you. More than he ever did to me. I despise that. Tell me what you have that I don't," she replies, inching towards where I stood in an alarming manner. As she does this, the bodyguards that stood in the room started surrounding her and prohibited her from moving any forward.

I stand my ground firm and strong and told her as it is. "I'm more than a BDSM in his life. I care about his self worth, his feelings and I hold great amount of respect for the people he works with and the family that he has. I help him grow. You just helped him build more and more walls around his fort."

"Don't get too high and mighty doll. Soon enough he'll get tired of you and crawl back to me, where he belongs." She thought she ate.

I cackle at her failed confidence. "Please don't tell me that you're being serious right now."

"You don't know him. You can't satisfy him the way I did. You can't provide for his needs and wants the right way. He's only pretending with you."

"Clarissa. Back away from her," Lucien interrupts the commotion, making his way down the stairs but this time, in more than just boxer briefs. He inches behind me and places a hand on my lower back.

"Why do you put up with her? SHE'S NOT RIGHT FOR YOU!" Clarissa snarls, glaring harshly at me who stood besides Lucien.

"Clarissa please lower your voice. There is no need for things to get out of hand and certainly there is no need for a discussion between us," Lucien raises his voice in a slightly higher tone as if trying to intimidate her.

She moves her eyes from Lucien to mine and back to Lucien, who was signaling her to leave with his eyes.

"She needs to leave Lucien," I say in my calmest voice, trying not to trigger my reckless breathing.

"Oh yeah? And what, are you going to stop me?"

"Listen here. Lucien is not a pawn that you could play around with. He is a human being with feelings. Have you ever truly loved Lucien? You can't give him love. Walk away and never come back here. "

"Okay I'll leave, but I want you to remember something doll. When he's done with you, he'll come crawling back to me. Ask him more about his past and think about if you're willing to stay with him when you hear the whole story." She flicks Maxime's hand off of her shoulder and struts past us, digging her heels into the floor as she heads out the front door.


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