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"Would you like some more time?"

Lucien and I were now situated in a nearby restaurant as our families went over to his father's house for dinner.

Lucien spoke before me and also for me. "No, we're ready. Two steaks, medium rare, a side of fondant potatoes and green vegetables," he orders so dominantly but I had to cut his dominant demeanour short.

"Actually," I intercept, "I will just have the Caesar salad. Thank you," I tell the waiter and smirk at Lucien who was now staring at me.

"Fine," he settles, "and two glasses of Chardonnay."

"It's only sold by bottle, sir," the waiter informs us, making Lucien aggravated than he already was. I giggle but only for myself to hear. Lucien caught on and his features soften.

He then looks at the man irritatingly and gives him a small smile. "A bottle then."

"Right on it sir," the man answers and walks away.

My eyes casually flicker over to the hunk infront of me and stop as I caught his eyes motioning from lips to my exposed neck. I clear my throat loudly and he snaps his attention back to my eyes.

"You wanted to talk? Let's talk," I speak up to start the conversation.

"I would like to make things right between us. Renegotiate terms of our relationship." His voice was so demanding and forward, seems as if he has matured to the extent of being more dominant.

"I do too but.... you put me in such a bad position Lucien. You made me feel like you were ashamed of me a-a-and all these negative feelings. I felt like you gave up on us when I was fighting to make things work during the time we've spent being physically separated from each other," I exasperate.

"I even wanted to fly out to France to be there for the both of you. But, I felt as though if I had only showed up, you would resent me or something," I add with a gulp.

He leans forward and places a hand of mine that rested on the table. "Trust me princess, she would've loved to see you. I just couldn't let you witness the surgery, the pain she was in. Everything," his expression was so forlorn. I couldn't tell if to feel sorry for him and let it go or if to press the conversation further.

I will admit I did swoon when he called me by the pet name he had for me. I missed hearing it everyday.

"Was it that bad?" I decide to ask.

"Mortifying. I just want to let you know that what happened last time, that's not going to happen again," he says.

I shake my head. "How can you be so sure?"

"I'm working on it," was his only response.

"Working on what?" I prompt, hoping to learn more about what transpired throughout the years that we were separated.

His eyes dart to the waiter who brought our food and rested it infront of us both. He pours our wine and leaves our presence. Silence met up with us. The only sound which could've been heard was the sipping noise we made as we enjoyed our Chardonnay.

"I can't do this if you won't talk to me." I pick up my fork and stab the lettuce with such force that it broke into two pieces.

"Everything that I did, everything that I'm doing....is for you," he says meekly.

I push my first forkful of salad in my mouth and chew slowly as he does the same with his steak.

"Did you fully make amends with your past?" I ask, moving my eyes to him.

"I had 3 years to decide what I wanted to do and I just decided to let some stuff go. It's in the past for a reason. I just fixed the relationships that were really important to me and now.... I'm satisfied," he explains.

"Well, good for you, " I shoot him a soft look.

"Have you ever heard of King Industries?" he asks out of the blue. I stopped eating for a moment to give him my undivided attention.

I shake my head no. "Is it new on the market?"

"I'm the CEO, Amara." I nearly choke on my spit at his response. Another surprise. This makes me wonder what more could he have done that he would eventually tell me.

"Where is it located?"

"It's an expanding profitable business based on copywriting, which creates advertising and marketing materials that a lot of businesses need. The main headquarters is in France but it branches off all over Europe and well... I want it to branch off in some areas of Asia and possibly bring it more over to the West. For now, there's just one establishment in California, seeing as I'll be living in this state for a while," he spoke so smoothly like this wasn't some big deal.

Inside I was so amped, so on fire.

"I'm really happy for you. This is a huge accomplishment. I know you and I know you to be hardworking and goal driven. Now I know you didn't ask for guidance as you start this new chapter in your life, and while I appreciate your willingness to be open to new experiences, my first bit of guidance is this: trust yourself," I say happily and take a long sip of my wine.

He looks at me in disbelief. I smile softly. "What?"

He shakes his head and also smiles. "You say you know me, so how are you still uncertain that I'm willing to change? After all we've been through?"

"Oh I know you're willing to change. I'm just uncertain of how honest you'd be with me," I remark, resting the fine piece of glass gently onto the coaster.

"Clarissa is my past. You are my present and I'm sure as hell that I want you in my future," he declares.

"I just hope that we can trust each other. I don't want our relationship to be on the rocks like it used to be Lu. I want to know all about your company, the people you work with. I want to know more about your past and what you want for your future. I want to know the history about your family, Lucien. Your real background, everything. I need to know who I'm falling in love with all over again," I demand and cross my legs under the table.

He eyes me intently. "You're open to new terms?"

"No secrets. No past haunting your present. No violence, nothing that can internally hurt you. Just honesty, faith, trust, most importantly, love. I promise to reciprocate everything. I really need your word on this Lucien."

He sits up and leans over the table to be close to me. "I can do that, anything for you Amara Belle. I want you to be happy. I just want you."

I give it a long, hard thought before giving into him. "Fine. I know it may seem as though I'm asking for too much but I just... I'm crazy about you," hearing those words made him grin from ear to ear.

"Don't look at me like that," I choke out, laughing until my cheeks hurt.

"Just, hearing those words come out of your mouth, makes me all tingly inside."

I lean forward and rest my chin on my hands, gaping in adoration at the man before me.

"God, I need you Lucien."

"Out of all the things I need, I know I need you more overall. We were fated."


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