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"A-A-Are you s-s-serious?" I felt myself choking on air. The distinctive image of Lucien or Maxime lying in a pool of blood somewhere makes my stomach churn.

"Good God I-I-I need to call Annie," Adelyn bursts out in a hustle.

"Yes, please give her a call. Annie works at Sonoma Specialty Hospital, it's the closest one to the village. Tell her that my son's being admitted there. They'll find him. He'll be okay. It's Lucien," Damien says, passing his large hand along his face. He moves away from the now crowd of people forming around me and Adelyn is hot on his heels.

With the help of mom and Luke, I was on my feet. I couldn't sit any longer because the longer I sat, the more I felt nauseated.

"Hey guys," Cotton, who was looking down at his phone, sparks the attention of everyone. "You should see this. Someone sent me a Facebook link and it's showing a live video of where their car crashed into that light pole now surrounded by a big fire."

As Cotton shows us the video, someone yells out an oh God. My mom logs in to her Facebook account on her phone and pulls up the video, shaking her head menacingly. She brings it to my view and I caught a glimpse of the erupting fire growing more huge by the second. I felt the tears brimming to my eyes.

"Lucien King, one of California's youngest billionaires only at the age of 25, crashed into a light pole in Bodega Bay, California. Lucien King is the charismatic head of King Industries...."

My left hand flew up to my quivering bottom lip and my teeth instantly nibbled nervously on the few nails I had left.

"You're shivering. I have a blanket in the car. I'll fetch it for you okay?" my mom offers. I only nod as no words could leave my mouth. As she leaves, I walk away from everyone to relieve myself from the heat of the situation.

The night was a bit chilly and even with a long sleeved dress on, I still felt like I could've suffered from frostbite. My thoughts were racing each other in my brain. Inhaling and exhaling repeatedly, I began to breathe heavily. My hands start to tremble, and I start crying as my mind is consumed by the coming doom of my fiancé's existence.

"Amara? Would you like some company?" Lucas' voice interrupts my train of thoughts.

I whip my head to the side and give him a weak but gracious smile and pat dry my tears. "Thank you."

He joins my side and we stare at the night sky, enjoying the moonlight's warm rays on our cold bodies.

"He's going to be fine, I'm sure of it. He's going to come back and you're going to get married, have children, spend the rest of your lives together. He's going to come back," he sounds so sure. I'm even surprised by his dark tone and lack of worry whilst everyone else was panicking.

I gaze at Lucas for a moment, trying to fathom his unreadable expression. His lips were pursed into a thin line, his eyebrows furrowed so tightly, it looks as if they were stuck together, his eyes hidden behind the gloom. From my view, he didn't look like the Lucas I know. So many questions ran through my head. I pondered on the thought that was he sad that his step brother was in an accident or was it something else?

I tilt my head to the starry sky and drop my shoulders. "I understand that one of us has to be positive."

He eyes me intently. "It's not about positivity Amara, it's the truth. He's fine and he always will be. Whenever Lucien's in a bind, he always finds a way to come out alive, like he's some kind of gifted person. He couldn't die before and he can't die now."

"You don't sound too happy that he's been saved so many times though."

He didn't say anything, which made my suspicions of his intentions to his stepbrother grow. Since Lucien left for France, it was pretty evident on the level of detest he had for Lucien, especially when I bring him up, which was all the time. I could've understood if he was annoyed that I always talk about Lucien but he did seem a tad bit jealous.

He swipes his tongue across his bottom lip. "I am, trust me. I'm terrified right now."

"We need more time. We haven't....gotten enough time," I say with a trembled voice.

"We've going to have plenty of time," a voice interrupts from behind us. Lucas swiftly turns to face the owner of the voice but my feet were planted to the grass. When I do turn around, my hands flew up to cover my lips in an instant.


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