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It's the beginning of fall here in California and Lucien's home brings both senses of calmness and craziness put together. The room was cold and semi lit, our only source of light being the bright luminescent rays the moon as it seeps its feathery grey rays through the curtains.

My body is cocooned under the warm duvet all alone as I try to keep my body warm without the usual body heat my boyfriend provides. I find myself tossing and turning a lot before eventually settling on a position that faces the window and allow a wave of sleep envelope me.

It's not the first time I've slept over and I usually don't feel this restless when he's not on the bed with me. I think it's probably the latest events that has me uneasy.

I can't say how long I was asleep before I am startled awake by a sudden cold touch of the air.

I jolt awake and prop myself on my elbows as I face the intruder who occupied the room with me. A tall, dark shadow looms over me and the moon showed more content. When the person's face came to light, I screamed in horror he raises a bloodied knife in one hand and Lucien's decapitated head in the other, blood gashing down his face as he smiles in a sinister manner.

"Did you miss me Mara?" Brad cackles.

I let out a blood curdling scream and the next thing I knew, I'm being shaken awake in a frenzy by an alive Lucien. We were both sweating like crazy, his eyes filled with fear and worry and mines were filled with fear and salty tears.

I started crying harder, my body shaking uncontrollably. Lucien instantly wraps his arms around me and I claw my fingers on his chest as I try to get as close to him as possible, almost laying on top of him. He starts to sing in a quiet yet calming voice in an attempt to put me back to sleep but sleep is the last thing on my mind. I was scared to go back to sleep in the case of having another gruesome nightmare.

He adjusts our position so we won't feel uncomfortable, scoots as close to me as he can and puts one arm under my neck with the other holding my waist snugly. Sighing deeply, I place my cheek on his chest so I can breathe in his scent, one I have become so addicted to, a light hint of Old Spice and a smell that is all his own. I exhale deeply at the familiarity and comfort his smell and the warmth of his arms around me brings.

"It happened again didn't it?" Lucien queries, swiping a few sweaty strands of hair away from my forehead. I didn't even have to answer because he already knew. It's been four days since I've officially moved into Lucien's house and for each night, I had a recurring nightmare about Brad breaking into our home (Lucien made me to understand that this is as equally my home more than his since he's hardly in it) and taking his revenge on us. They always say dreams come true, but this was the one dream I never wanted to come true.

"It's okay, I promise you everything will be okay," he shushes my cries by cooing in my ears and kissing my earlobe, which, he knows is my weak spot.

"How can you promise everything will be okay Lucien? How do you know that for sure?" I say in between heavy breaths.

"Well I can't predict the future, but I know one thing and that no matter how big or small the problem is, I will be there. I love you, Amara. You are my universe and I love you bigger than that. I can't remember who I was before I met you but I can assure you that the present me will always stand near and on guard. When you're away from me, I count my every breath until we're together again. I will end the whole world for you," he whispers as he buries his face in the top of my hair and kisses my head softly.

"I love you, Lucien. I love you as the sun sets to give the moon its time to shine and as our hearts beat together so that we may recognise the tune," I whisper back and begin to lull back to sleep.

I used to be scared of not knowing what's to come in the future and what next life was about to throw my way for me to endure. But knowing that Lucien will be there for me has helped me to find the peace I needed to feel. He is the one who I turn to when I need support and I appreciate the little things he does for me and says to me. It's what makes me fall in love with him more and more each day.

There are moments when we're both tempered and hot, but it keeps us on our toes all the time and we never have dull moments between us. He has become such a strong presence in my life and it's difficult to explain how much he means to me. I know whatever pot Brad's stirring wouldn't tear Lucien and I apart because what we have is stronger than any force that wants to get in our way.

I really love him was the last thing on my mind before I let sleep completely take over me.


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