Chapter 132

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I shoot him a quick glare and say with my eyes. What the hell are you doing?

"With you?" the Sheriff narrows his eyes, questioning his statement.

"Yes, she was with me, at my house," he says firmly in a believable tone.

The sheriff looks back at me, "Is this true?"

I hesitate but then nod, "Yes,"

"Hm, well uh, okay then, I guess that's that," he looks at me and then to Ryder, "You two kids stay out of trouble,"

Once he walks away, I turn back to Ryder, "What is the matter with you? Why would you say that?"

He furrows his brow, "I think you mean to say thank you! I just saved your ass,"

"I didn't ask you to do that,"

A smile peaks at the corner of his mouth, "Well, I didn't do it out of the kindness of my heart; I need a favor,"

I laugh and say, "I should have known. Everything always comes at a price with you," I then ask him what it is he needs from me.

"I need you to tutor me again,"

My eyes widen, causing my eyebrows to lift in the air, "Really? So after you fake fire me to get me away from you, now you want me back,"

"I did it because I didn't want Ashley and Matt to find out about the dealership. Ashely said that if I didn't stay away from you, she would..." He stops talking and then just looks at me.

"She would what?" I press.

"She would figure out whatever it was I was hiding from her about you, which was the dealership,"

I almost laugh as I say, "So what, you did it to protect me?"

"I got shot multiple times for you. Is this so hard to believe?" he asks, scathing.

"I guess not,"

"So is it a yes or a no? If you want to be my friend, you should say yes,"

I look into his dark forest green eyes that hold so many things; things that I cannot understand yet; everything in me is telling me to say no.

"I need you,"

He adds, furthering allowing my heart to let "Yes," fall from my lips.


The next day I am awakened by a tap on my window. I slide my sheer curtains back to find Jessica standing on the low roof, "I thought you were coming a three," I groan while opening up the window,

"Uhm, it is three,"

"What?!" I flip my phone over to find 3:30 on the clock. I sleep all day, and yet I am still tired. Last night really wore me out; people didn't start leaving until like 1 am, which means I couldn't go up to my room until 1 am.

The night got drastically boring once Ryder left.

Caleb spent the rest of the evening entertaining everyone. I'm sure he talked to everyone there. He looked so happy, he definitely fits into my lifestyle more than I, and for that to have been his first social event, he did great, better than I have ever done.

I thought I was going to have to spend the rest of the night in the corner alone, but I didn't.

Ryder stayed with me. Surprisingly I enjoyed his company.

Up until his parents were ready to leave, we talked about everything and everyone. We made fun of the women's dresses and their botoxed pale cheeks. Then we went over to the windows and guessed the prices of all the extravagant cars parked on the street. I'm positive I was the closest; my dad does own a dealership; my knowledge of luxury cars is practically second nature.

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