Chapter 166

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If I Die Young- Naya Rivera
*I miss her so much💔


Day 7

When I come back into the room, I find Jayda standing in front of the mirror, eyeing her black dress. I walk over behind her and finish zipping it for her. I guess she does want to go; I left the black clothes on the chair across from the bed. I didn't ask if she wanted to attend; I didn't want to; if she wanted to go, she would have just spoken and said she wanted to go. My plan didn't work because she's standing here dressed and ready.

Slowly I turn her around to face me, "Could you please just talk to me?" I beg. "You can talk to me," I need to know what's going on with her, what's going on in her head. How can I help her if I don't know what I am helping her with? "Please, Jayda, I need to hear your voice," she turns away from me and takes a seat back on the bed, looking straight out the window.

"Ryder, could you come here, please?!" My mom yells from down the hall.

I take one more look at her before exiting the room and going down the hall to my mother's room, "Yes,"

She looks at me, "Why aren't you dressed?"

I didn't get dressed because I didn't know if I was going yet. Honestly, I really expected Jayda to still be in bed. "I'm going to go get dressed now,"

Putting in her diamond earrings, she says, "Jaydas parents are out of town,"

"What?!" They left. Are you fucking kidding me?

"I heard at the club the other day," Who the fuck does something like that? There her parents, they are supposed to be here for her always, especially when she just lost her friend. They know her mental situation better than any, yet they're not there to help. They just bailed. Leaving her to handle everything on her fucking own. "Is she okay? Jayda?"

"Of course, well as good as she can be considering the situation, why?"

Talking a rubber band, she pulls her hair into a low ponytail, "Yesterday," she turns around to me, "When you had left out to go pick up the food, Uhm... I heard Jayda talking."

"Talking? You heard her?" How? Who the hell was she talking to?

"I thought maybe she was on the phone; I stood at the side of the door and listened,"

"You were spying on her?" I knew I should've kept her in my room.

"No," she defends. "I was concerned; I am a mother. It's my job to be considered for every child, even if they aren't mine,"

I huff and say, "Who was she talking to?"


My mouth drops open, "What?!"

"Jessica," she repeats. "She said her name multiple times; she was holding a conversation, but no one was in the room," I don't know what to do with the information; she was talking to herself. To Jessica. What is she like seeing a ghost or something? "I'm trying to get in touch with her parents."

"What why?" They aren't going to do anything except send her away; they can't do that.

"Because I see you are taking care of her, you're trying to get her through something that you can't help her with. Your just a kid yourself,"

"I can take care of her!"

"That isn't your job,"

"Then whose is it?"

"Her parents,"

"Her parents don't give a fuck about her," I shout. "If I don't take care of her, no one will," She can't even take care of herself. My mother opens her mouth to say something else, but I don't want to hear it, "We have to go! I'll see you at the funeral," I walk out of the room and go get Jayda. I just wish people would leave us alone.

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