Chapter 122

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"Here you go!" Ms.Kelly hands me a notepad, "For the orders," she responds to my confused face. "Once they tell you what they want, just come behind the counter and stick it here," she points to the silver mental thing, "Denny will ding the bell when the orders are ready,"

"Is that all?"

"Yes, that's it," she looks around, making sure she didn't forget anything, "Okay, well, I will be upstairs in the loft," she turns around and begins to walk away,

"Wait, wait, you aren't going to stay? To you know, make sure I'm doing it right?"

"How could you do it wrong?!" she yells while still walking away.

"What if I have a question?" I yell louder because she's walking farther away.

"Don't ask it," she responds and then disappears up the stairs.

"Great," I sigh. The diner isn't too busy, so I got this. I think. Thank goodness, no one is here from school. At least not yet.

A woman is sitting in the corner; I need to get her order. With each step I take, my heartbeats faster and harder; being a waitress is definitely not a job for a shy, introverted teenager.

Again, what the hell was I thinking agreeing to this?

I get nervous, just ordering food. I almost always get my mother to order for me.

How the hell am I supposed to take people's orders? I let out a deep breath and then lower my head, walking faster over to the woman. "Hello," I greet her.

"Hi," she says back, landing her grey eyes on me. Her grey eyes complement her raven black hair nicely.

"Uh, can I take your order?"

She smiles, "I'll just take a small coffee, black."

"Okay," I turn away from the table and walk back behind the counter; that wasn't so bad. I grab the fresh pot of coffee and one of the mugs before walking back over to the woman's booth. "Here you go," I sit the white mug onto the table and then pour the hot coffee, making sure not to spill it.

"It's pretty dead in here, are kids still in school?" she asks.

"No, we got out a 3:15; usually they roll in around five the after school activities are over at like four something,"

She nods her head, "You go to Crossland?"

"Yeah," I stop pouring the coffee and then pull out a few napkins for her. "Are you new to town?" I've never seen her before this is a small town and she's stunning. I wouldn't forget her face.

"No uh, just visiting for work,"


"I'm a news reporter,"

"Really?" I say intrigued; news reporters only come around when there's a story; nothing is going on, at least nothing that I know of, "Did something happen?" I ask skittish. The only reason I can think of as to why a reporter would be here is because of Travis and the shooting.

"A shooting, about a month ago," she says, confirming my thought, "Do you know anything about it? You do go to Crossland."

"No," I quickly say. "I uh, I wasn't at the game," I lie.


"Let me know if you need anything else," I give her a quick smile and then quickly turn away from the table, walking back over to the counter.


It's been almost two hours now, surprisingly I have only seen two people from school here, and those two people were not one of the 'elite.'

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