Chapter 109

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(Not About Angels-Birdy)


I pick up the crowbar from the ground and smash the glass, every single one of them that's implanted into the shelf. I destroy all the pictures of us together.

He has on us display like we are the perfect fucking family, but were not these pictures are almost ten years old. All the images he has on display of me show the sweet little girl he thinks I am, the charming little girl I used to be. I'm not that girl anymore. I take each picture and slam them onto the ground. Watching them shatter just like my life has.

Travis walks into the office. He still has the crowbar in his hand, "Wow, you really hate your dad that much, huh?" he says as he looks around the destroyed office.

I disregard his question and walk from around the desk and over to him. "Did you trash everything?"

"Yeah," he says, "Every office and every car, except for the ones we're taking!"

"Good!" I take the crowbar from out of his hand and smash the glass trophy case to the right of me. The glass implodes everywhere.

Travis uses his arm to cover his eyes. "What are you doing?"

I disregard his question and take the gasoline that was secured in the case. I pop off the red top and then start pouring it on the floor.

Cory walks into the office, "What the hell is she doing?" he asks Travis.

"Burning the place down!" he replies. Out the corner of my eye, I see a smirk appear at the corner of his mouth.

I walk over behind the desk, pour the brown liquid onto the pictures on the floor, and then onto the brown chestnut desk. I cover every spot in the office and slowly move into the main lobby.

I pour the gasoline everywhere in the lobby. They really did trash the place. Papers are everywhere. The 1995 McLaren F1 that my dad cherished more than me is dented; the glass is in pieces on the floor. I also pour gasoline on the car, knowing that the fire will cause the vehicle to explode. It'll destroy everything.

"Damn, Jay!" Kayla walks up behind me. "I didn't think you had the balls to do some shit like this!" She looks at the drenched floor.

"Shut up!" I growl.

Luke burst through the front doors with Jasmine behind him. He's out of breath. "We gotta go!"

I drop the empty gasoline jug onto the ground and then walk back into my dad's office, "Did you do it?" I ask Travis.

"It's deleted," he says and closes the computer; he then takes the computer and slams it on the ground making sure that it's destroyed, unable to be revived. It doesn't matter. It'll surely burn in the fire.

We both walk out of the office and then out of the dealership. Back outside, everyone is hopping into the fancy cars and driving off. I take the lighter out of my back pocket; I flick the light, and the fire appears. I stare at, allowing the orange and red flame to glare in my eyes.

Drop it

Drop it

I keep telling myself to drop it, but I can't. My hands hold onto the silver lighter.

"Can't do it, can you?!" Travis says from behind me. "You better hurry up! You hear that?"

I listen closely, and then I faintly hear sirens; we have been here too long, we couldn't guess the security code, so the police station has been alerted.

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