Chapter 156

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(Trigger Warning)

"So is it like a bet or something?" Jess asks, leaning against my locker while sucking on a green lollipop.

Placing my history book inside, I say, "No, it's not a bet he just thinks he can go a day without talking to me when he can't,"

"Can you go a day without talking to him?"

"Of course I can," I think. Even if I couldn't, I would definitely not give in and talk to him today. She chuckles to herself, "What's funny?" I snap.

She shrugs her shoulders and removes the lollipop from her mouth "Nothing,"

"Mhm," I dig through my locker, trying to find a pen. I had one this morning for my first and second period, but I lost it. I swear I probably lose more than a million pencils per school year. I come in with like three packs of them, and before the day is over, I will have lost every single one.

"Mh, look, he's coming your way. I guess he can't even go a few hours without talking to you,"

I smile because I knew he couldn't. I knew sooner or later he would have a question or just simply miss me. I turn around to accept his apology and watch him wallow in defeat; he walks right past me and over to another girl across the hallway. "What the hell?" I turn around; he is standing beside some girl; they share a few laughs like they are friends or something. Is she his friend? "Is he trying to make me jealous?" I ask out loud.

"I think he is," Jessica answers.

They continue laughing. The girl playfully hits him; the scene makes me want to throw up. Is he serious right now? He's so childish. "I don't care," I face my locker and finish searching for my pen.

"You shouldn't because she has nothing on you. You want me to kick her ass?" I laugh at her question. "I haven't been in a fight since middle school, but I can take her,"

"Shut up, Jess," Found it. I grab my pen and close the locker. The girl is standing in front of Ryder purposefully laughs a little loud so I can hear; I glance over.

"Alright, hold me back," Jess playfully says.

"She isn't worth it. Plus, there's no need for me to be mad or jealous; he isn't my boyfriend,"

We walk down the hall towards our next class, "Uhm, hello pending relationship," she reminds me. "Did you not make a rule for talking to other people?"

"No," I didn't think I had to. "I really don't care, he's just trying to make me mad, and that's that. Anyways how are you?"

Her grip tightens around her books, "I am doing good actually today is a good day," she's over ecstatic; it's weird seeing her like this. "I feel like it's going to be a good week!"

"I'm glad to hear that,"

She snaps, remembering something, "Oh, and yesterday I had a thought. What if we could find a file that proved AJ reached out for help,"


"The counselors have files on every one of us; you mentioned that his mom said he and she went to the counselors, but they didn't do anything, what if... and this is a big if, what if they documented it, but just didn't do anything with the information,"

"Where do you come up with this stuff?" Her love for crime shows, I'm sure, has sparked her ideas, "So you want to find the file from 2011, where would we even get those?"

"The school's basement!"

"We have a basement?" I had no idea.

She rubs her eyebrows, "Ashley and I may or may not have made out a few times down there; there's a couch,"

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