Chapter 182

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Ryder POV

"As much as the school stresses about our academics and college, they should also stress mental health; it should be talked about, with the same passion,"

"This is a school Ms.King, not a hospital; if they want mental help, they should ask their parents," Williams throws at her.

"Well, what if parents aren't willing to accept mental health as a problem in their kid's lives. Mines didn't! So where am I supposed to go? Where are we supposed to go when our parents are blinded at our mental stability, and our school turns their heads to what's in front of them?"

For once, he doesn't respond or contradict what she said, even he doesn't have an answer for that.

"It's the same cycle over and over again. Girl; I'm depressed, society; your overreacting, girl; I cut myself, society: it's for attention, girl; kills herself, society; we didn't see the signs!"

One of the members at the end of the table slowly nods their heads at Jayda's understandable words. Everything she is saying is coming from her heart; it's only right she talks about this with such intensity.

She says, "Suicide catches everyone's attention; it's the actions leading to suicide that goes unnoticed. The sad thing about mental health is nobody ever knows how much anyone else is hurting; we could be standing next to somebody who is completely broken, and we wouldn't even know it,"

Jayda adds "People with depression don't have to be the ones sitting alone at lunch or super quiet in class. The loudest person in the room can be struggling to,"

I had no idea the severity of Jayda's depression until I found her that first time in her bathroom. I knew she was becoming almost like a different person at school, but I didn't know why; I didn't know it was because of her depression.

"School should be our safe haven. If we can't talk to our parents or friends, we should be able to talk and open up to the staff, teachers, counselors, but we don't because we see how they handle situations; they do nothing. We have a 0 bullying policy, but yet the bullies don't get in trouble because they're on the sports teams or are captains of the teams,"

She isn't lying; I've done so much shit to people and never once was suspended. I was captain of the football team; they can't suspend me from games or school. I mean, they can, but they wouldn't dare do so.

"Or maybe they don't get punished because they are a part of the elite, which are the kids of parents who help fund the school; whatever the case may be, things need to change, or what happened this school year will happen again. We need to learn from our mistakes and do better,"

If I could go back and fix everything I ever did wrong, I would do it in a heartbeat.

"I'm a suicide survivor," she announces. "I'm a drug addict," she adds. Her parent's mouths drop open, it was already revealed that she tried to commit suicide, but no one knew about the drug addiction part.

The man sits up in his seat, "Well, I hope that you are getting the help you need," he says, not sincere, "But as far as we know, you're the only one who seems to be going through these problems, you want us to change what we do here because of you and your problems,"

This time Jayda doesn't say anything; she just stands there silent; a crooked smile comes on William's mouth. The room goes silent as we wait for one of them to say something.

Behind me, a chair screeches, "Uhm, I," everyone turns their head, Jayda also turns around. Some brown head boy is standing up; he looks at all the eyes on him and then looks forward. "I'm Mark, and I am also a suicide survivor," he says.

Reporters turn their cameras his way, the snapping of pictures fill the room; a girl on the other end also stands up, "I am Taylor, and I am a suicide survivor,"

Another boy stands up and says, "I've never tried to commit suicide, but I've been cutting for two years now; it first started back in 9th grade, I was always getting picked on, still am, well before the shooting," He looks familiar; I recall messing with him in school sometimes.

Twelve other students, one by one, stand up and relay to everyone that they are either suicide survivors, cutters, or drug addicts. The crowd is starting to get rallied up as more students stand up; staff and board members' faces are one of confusion. You can tell that they never expected this many kids to talk about how they indeed have also gone through what Jayda went through and how bullying at this school played a part in their attempts and cutting.

The most shocked of all is Jayda. I can tell she never expected this to happen; students that don't even talk to her are standing up and sharing their stories, which is defending her claim about the school.

Just when everyone thinks that there are no more students about to stand up, one does. She looks around, hesitating. "Sit down," her mother growls.

She pulls away and straightens up, "I am Ashely Forbes, I'm a lesbian, and I am a suicide survivor," 

Mouths drop opens, and the reporters go crazy with this one along with students. The queen finally decided to reveal her biggest secret, the biggest scandal of the school year. The superintendent quiets the crowd back down; once the room is silent again, she glues her eyes on Jayda. "Thank you, Ms.King, for your input,"

Input? I think she means fucking words of wisdom.

"Thank you, students, for speaking up also!"

Jayda walks slowly to the empty seat beside her parents. Never has Jayda ever gotten anything that she wanted; if the world keeps working against her, I fear that not even her balanced emotions will keep her from ending her life. She's never had a win; she needs a win. If she doesn't get a win, I swear to god I will curse out every prude person at that table. She deserves this; she deserves something; she deserves everything.

One of the men sitting beside the lady whispers something in her ear. You can tell that the whole room is on edge. We are all sitting at the edge of our seats, literally waiting for what's next. A folded paper gets passed down from the end to the very middle. She opens the paper, reads it, and then folds it back up.

Jayda POV

I'm going to lose. Wait, what am I losing? I don't even know. But I do know things won't go good; nothing ever does. I stood up there and said everything from my heart; I spoke the truth, but what if it wasn't enough.

The woman takes her glasses off, takes a deep breath. "Effective immediately, all board members have been relieved of their positions,"

The room breaks into commotion for the hundredth time. I just stare straight ahead. Did I hear her right? I had to hear her wrong. Nevermind, Mr. Mcclian's scowl proves that I indeed heard her right.

"What happened in 2011 was tragic. We shouldn't even be here today because what took place in 2011 and in these four months should never have happened!" she says firmly. "I can't fire all of you," she says, talking about the teachers and school staff. "Trust me, I want to, but I can't, but I can tell you things are going to be very different," she informs everyone. "What you parents did, paying off Sarah Crawford using her money situation and exploiting it is disgusting! Your children should have been expelled for what they did to him, everyone who played a part in Robert Cade's situation. It's too late to expel you, the same with the kids who played a part in AJ's death; I can't do anything to punish you. God knows I would have seen you expelled in a heartbeat. But I can't, so I can only hope that you kids learn and grow from the events," she looks at me, "Jayda, I am very sorry about your friends, I am sorry we couldn't do more for them, but you have my word that what happened here will never happen again, things from here on out will be different, and you're to thank for that,"

She gathers her things and then walks out the doors. Angry parents storm out; the board members narrow their eyes at me in anger while they walk past; William still has the same scowl on his face. My mother goes over to the Adam's family; Jacob walks out of doors in a hurry. I look back at the crowd; students are smiling; I don't think I have ever seen all these kids smiling at once.

I did it.

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