Chapter 152

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Jayda POV

"I'll visit you in jail," He jokes.

"Ryder!" I squeal; he's always playing at the wrong time.

"I'm just joking,"

I sigh and look back at the window at my house, "It isn't funny,"; we got here like ten minutes ago, but I can't bring myself to get out of the car; I'm scared.

"There, your parents, I highly doubt they're going to press charges against you," he says. "If you think about it, all of this is their fault anyway. Maybe if they had never abandoned you, you wouldn't have felt the need to burn the place down; their bad people, so the way I look at it, they go what they deserved,"

Breathing in a deep breath, I rest my head on the back of the chair, "They're not bad people there just bad parents,"

His phone rings, just before he picks it up, I see Matt's name flashing across the screen; he quickly hangs the phone up and then flips it over.

Ryder looks back at me and says, "I can go in with you if you if you want," he offers.

"No. I uh, need to do this by myself, I'll be fine." I give him a quick smile, "I'll see you at school tomorrow," Opening the car door, I get out and walk up to my house, entering in.

Voices flow through the house; I hear my father talking from within his study, and I hear my mother talking in hers. I decided to face my father first; right now, I am more upset with my mother than with him. I wonder if my father even knows what mom did. He couldn't possibly approve of her actions. Then again, maybe he does; I wouldn't put it past him.

Turning into his study, I say, "I'm home," the ending of me saying home fades when I spot Caleb sitting in the chair across from my father's desk.

Dad looks up over his glass, and the first thing he says to me is, "Hm, you finally decided to bless us with your presence,"

Caleb's eyes are glued on me. What is he doing here? I quickly look away and back at my father; the second thing he decides to say is, "Did you have fun on your trip?" I blow out an angry breath and turn around, "We will be talking about this later," he shouts as I walk away down the hall towards my mom's office.

Well, he doesn't seem too mad. Did they even watch the tape? "Mom," I knock on the door before going in; she is on the phone she tells whoever it is on the other end that she will call them back, and hangs up.

I wait for her to yell, to shout, to do something, but yet she does nothing except for say, "Take a seat," pointing at the chair. I do as I am told and sit in the buttery leather seat; she paid a fortune for these.

"Georgia, really Jayda? You left and went all the way to Georgia; why?"

"I don't know, I've always wanted to go," I lie. If I'm going to pull off this lie, I have to make it believable, shes a lawyer; her job is to decipher if someone is lying to her or not.

"Since when did you want to go to Georgia?"

"Always, but you wouldn't have known because you are never here," I fire, keeping my stance strong.

"And I am sorry for that,"

"Are you?"

"Of course, if I could turn back time, I would. I would have been here more for you. I should never have let my personal issues with your father get in the way of me raising you," she places her hand on her belly, "With this baby, I am hoping to get a second chance, to be a mom,"

Jealousy with a hint of rage coats me, a second chance. A fucking second chance, so this baby will have the mom I always wanted, if it's even a she. If it is, she will have a mom to talk to about boys and sex, and puberty. Three things I only know about because of TV and books. Oh, and sex ed at school.

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