Chapter 163

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Hometown Glory- Adele


Jayda POV


I loved Jessica, and she's dead; everyone I love dies. Whether I love them as a friend or something more, in the end, they die or leave.

I'm a walking disease with no cure. I kill everyone I come in contact with, but yet I can't be stopped, I can't die.

Cool raindrops hit my skin as I walk in the middle of the street with no direction. I have no place to go. My clothes are soaked in blood, mixed with water and rain falling from the sky; the chill in the air makes my body become frigid, and my throat begins to tighten because of the soreness. Or maybe it's the nonstop crying.

Thirty Minutes, it took them thirty minutes to get to her house. I didn't leave until I heard the sirens. I left before anyone saw me, I couldn't be there, I couldn't answer their questions, what if they asked me why I didn't call immediately, what if they blamed me for her dying? I couldn't take more blame from them when I already blame myself.

I shouldn't have let her leave the school, I should've gone back to the house with her, I should've watched her. I didn't think she would actually do it; I didn't think she would kill herself. But I was wrong; just because I couldn't do it doesn't mean that she wouldn't.

How could she do this? How could she leave me? Why does everyone leave me? I cannot fucking do this anymore. It hurts too much. I don't want to get attached to anyone anymore it only destroys me.

I find myself on Stone Bridge, the bridge you find on the back road to getting into Crossland. The rain from the clouds causes the pavement to shine. The bridge overlooks the water, with a fast, strong current. The water rushing looks even powerful tonight; maybe it's because of the storm that's beginning. I look up at the black and white mixed clouds, a zag of lighting shoots through—I shudder at the loud BOOM echoing through the sky.

The surging water would overtake me, and the current would pull me under; I'm not a good swimmer; even if I was, the fall would kill me, it would instantly end me, because of the rocks that also below, some peak out of the rising out of the water.

My fingers wrap around the metal ledge, and I pull one leg over the bar stepping onto the outskirts. From the lever, I can feel the wind from below; it feels like I'm standing on the water. It's calling me; it's asking me to jump and end this horrible feeling I can't get rid of.

I hold onto the bar with one hand and prepare myself to jump; I breathe in, taking in the air of this world for one last time; I close my eyes and channel his face. Ryder. The perfect boy who fell in love with my broken self. Even the mere image of his face in my mind calms me. I'll miss him, but I know I will see him again. Hopefully.

I let go of the bar.

Ryder POV

"Okay!" Ashley walks into my room. "I couldn't do it; I couldn't fucking tell my mother, I tried, I tried really hard, but I just couldn't. I told Jess that it was best if she moved on without me,"

"Why am I not surprised?" I knew she wouldn't go through with it.

"Shut up," she growls. "I have a plan, though,"


"I'm moving out! I'm 18, I can; I have plenty of money, so I'll just stay at the motel. What's that like $400 until graduation?" she asks like I know how much it costs. "Whatever. It doesn't matter, my bags are in the car, and I am on my way to go tell Jessica now. This is the only way we can be together; I'll tell my mom like ten years from now when Jess and I are married with kids,"

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