Chapter 180

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The man stands up from the table and walks to the front of the large desk where the superintendent is at. "I am Anthony Reed; I am the Adams lawyer. I will be representing them along, the other families and the board members; I speak for all their lawyers," The superintendent nods her head, telling him to proceed. He must be good if all of them have him speaking for them. I fiddle with my fingers in my lap and pluck the skin around my nail bed. "Jayda King!" he exclaims. "I can't tell you how happy I am to meet you; you've been the talk of the country for the past week,"

"Oh," Have I been? I've seen myself on the news more than I ever thought was possible, and my face was on some local newspapers. I didn't know that this whole thing was being discussed around the country.

"So, as you know, we are just here today to talk about the events that have taken place at your school over the past year; I want to start from the beginning. Can you tell us how you first heard about AJ Crawford?"

"Uhm," The beginning, "Jessica, she brought him to my attention. We were doing a senior project, Uhm, about mental health and suicide, it was done, but we felt like we needed more,"

"More? Elaborate more,"

"We needed a wow factor; we wanted an A. So she went looking, and she found it,"

"How did she find out about him? If the school hid everything, how did she know about AJ? How did she know where to look?"

"I..." That's a good question. "I don't know," Too bad she isn't here to ask; well, she is, but it's not really her. I don't think.

"Is it true that you recorded a conversation between Jacob Adams without his consent?"

"Yes.. but-"

"And that you and Jessica also planted and recorded a private conversation between Josiah Adams and William Mcclain in Mr.Adams' his home office?"

I ask myself how he knows this, but then I remember that all the information I gathered was made public. "Yes, but we had to. How else were we supposed to prove everything?" I find myself getting irritated by his persistent questions.

"You weren't proving anything; AJ's death wasn't a secret,"

"No, but it was hidden," I correct him. "They tried to hide it and pretend as if nothing happened,"

"No, they tried to keep it under control. Out of respect for Sarah Crawford, they wanted to make sure AJ's death wasn't thrown around like a sport in the media,"

I huff. "Well, if that's the case, why did they pay her off?" Did he forget about that?

"They wanted to help the mother out," he says robotically like he was told to say that.

"Right after their kids bullied him to death, not to mention they admitted to paying the mother money so she would stay silent,"

"And Sarah Crawford gladly accepted,"

"Only because-"

"Moving on," he says over top of me.

He continues asking me questions. All of my answers get shut down or twisted, making it seem like nothing with AJ really happened and that Josiah and the board members didn't do anything wrong. He's actually making it seem like they did what was best for the school, knowing they did only what was best for them.

"You mentioned AJ being bullied. Nowhere in the info you gave reporter Ivy Parker were there actual proof of him being bullied,"

"The photos of everything they said about him on Instagram," I know for sure I sent that in the email. "And Rosita Valentina confirmed that he was,"

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