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OBVIOUSLY everything was a blur, the news, the hurt, the cruel intention behind it. Thomas was still on crutches, Thomas was still the same. Only problem, he couldn't take the pain. Tom attends physical therapy and regular therapy, how the hell would it help him anyway? If you were to see his arms right now, it's the therapist's problem not his.

But, like then he never really blamed them. Their job is to help them, help him, they are trying their best. As for Olivia, not everything was going to complete shit. She met a new boy next door, his name was Gray and he is such a total sweetheart. The two clicked on just fine, making him joining the friend group.

Miguel still wasn't awake, he's been in a coma for two weeks. Tom was scared, he felt alone, like everything was going bad again which it was. The awkward silence between him and his sister wasn't good, they still haven't spoken on what Sam did and said. Part of Thomas wanted to find out, but he knew he would get too angry if it was that bad.

Olivia, Gray, Demetri, Chris, and Nathaniel were all walking in school. "Hey, Demetri." A girl spoke as they walk by. "What did she just say?" Olivia spoke, about to walk towards the girl but he wrapped his arms around her. "Calm down, I'll make sure to tell the ladies you're all mine." He smiles. "I think Im gonna puke." Chris gaged, making Oli hit his shoulder and Gray chuckle.

They suddenly turned around only to be faced with Hawk and the other Cobra Kai students. Here was the thing, Olivia left after Johnny did. Kreese made them assholes, she didn't wanna be that, she didn't wanna be her mother. "Got something to say?" Mitch asked, waving his hand in his face.

"Yeah. Check out my new lit book. Hard-hitting shit in here." Chris teases, causing Olivia to smirk. Suddenly, Thomas appeared, on his crutches with a blank expression. No one knew he was back today, but he knew he needed this. He needed to get out, be with his friends. "Woah, look what the cat dragged in." Hawk teases.

Olivia and them all look at the man, "shut up, asshole." Oli said. "This security isn't enough to protect your scrawny ass." He tells Demetri. "I don't need security." Demetri eyeballs him. "Everything all right here?"

They all then put on an act, "oh, we're all buddies here. Isn't that right, fellas?" He lies, wrapping his arms around Hawk and Mitch. They went along with it as well, "yeah." The red-haired guy fake smiles. "Dont you all have somewhere to be?" She asked again.

"Yes, Counselor Blatt." They all quickly moved away from each other, sending glares back. "Hey, I didn't know you were coming back today...how come you didn't text me?" Olivia pouts, making Tom smile. "There's that smile." She chuckles. "It's glad to have you back, man. For good." Demetri told him.

Even though so many people were whispering things, staring at him, he really was glad to be back. "I'm glad I'm back too." He smiles, "oh! And this, we have another ginger. This is Gray." Thomas and him both shake hands, smiling at each other. "It's nice to meet you.."

And then there he was, back again.

Thomas was laying on his bed, looking through his phone pictures. There we filled with many selfies him and Miguel took, he tried to choke back on his tears and so far it worked. "Hey." A voice was heard along with a knock. It was Sam.

"H-Hey." He shuts his phone off, putting all his attention on her. Samantha closed his door, sitting on the bed and facing him. There was silence, a long period of silence. Thomas knew it, Samantha couldn't even find the right words. He didn't blame her, he really didn't.

"I am....so so sorry for what I did..." She started. "I don't expect you to forgive me. But what I did was so stupid...and if I didn't do it Miguel would still- hey hey hey..." Thomas cuts in. "Dont speak like that." He lays a hand on her shoulder. "It's not your fault, okay?"

"I choked..at school today. I couldn't do it.." She looked down. "And that's alright. I promise." He tried his best to comfort her, part of him wanted to be mad but this was his sister, she was heartbroken. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure.." Tom nodded. "When did you guys know?" He thought for a moment, all the memories now flooding back to him. "Well, I'm remember getting jealous when you guys went out. I even remember the feeling I'd get from texting him, when I found he liked me back was when we locked pinkies at the movies." Samantha chuckles, making Tom happy to see she was smiling.

"You two...had such a romantic story." She chuckles again. "Yeah, we really did." He looked down, his smile dropping. "Hey, he's gonna be okay, alright?"

"I don't think..." Thomas looks up, choking on his tears again. "I don't think I'm gonna be ready to see him...if he wakes up.." His voice broke, leaving Sam with a guilt feeling in her stomach. "That's alright. Okay?"

The two share a hug, tears soaking in their shirts. "So were good now?" Tom smirked. "No, we hate each other." Sam says sarcastically, making the two laugh. "I love you."

"I love you too."

- LIV!


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