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( PEEK. )

THERE laid the teen boy on the hospital bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. He knew he couldn't do anything, he couldn't save Miguel, he couldn't save himself, he couldn't do anything. The boy could barley even comprehend what was going on. He was mad at everything, he was mad at himself.

He wanted to be mad at his sister, Tom wanted to blame her, but he knew he couldn't. Sam had taken her anger out on Miguel and him, saying something about the two which Tory overheard. Sam even tired to kiss Miguel at the party, she didn't wanna believe he was into his brother.

Tory had gotten angry, not only the fact that she said something about Miguel's private relationship but she tried kissing him. This caused the fight, this caused everything. Tom knew it was his fault.

He shouldn't have kissed Miguel at the party.

If he didn't, Sam wouldn't have saw, she wouldn't have said anything. Thomas had been declining the visits, he was declining everyones besides his mom and dads. He was depressed, he was hurting, he was numb, anxious, suicidal, everything in his body ached with sadness.

The teen wasn't hurt that bad in the hit and run, only thing was that he has a broken ankle and knee. "Thomas?" A familiar voice knocks on the door. He shoots his head up, there was his therapist, two police officers, and his father.

Thomas's anxiety grew, he watched them all walk in as the officer explained what was happening. "I'm officer Downey, this is officer Ridgewood. We're here to ask you a few questions about the accident." He says. Thomas nods, "you don't have to answer them." Daniel told the teen.

Thomas sat up a bit, listening in on the questions they were about to ask. "We found a bottle of gin, we asked the driver if it was hers and it wasn't. Was it yours?" She opens her notepad. He looks at them blankly for a second, "y-yeah.."

"Your father told me it was about your boyfriend ending up here too?" The other officer blurts out. Thomas glanced at his dad who was looking down. He wasn't supposed to tell anyone. "Thomas."

He looks back at the lady, "did you walk in front of the car on purpose?"

"W-what? No! I was drunk!" He argued back. "Are you sure?" She asked again. "Is this really necessary?" Daniel spoke. A tear rolled down his cheek, "thomas.." She scoots herself closer to him. "It's okay if you did."

Thomas scoffs, wiping his tears. "You have history of self harm, you have major depressive disorder, right?" She looked back at Daniel who nodded slowly. "I...I drank because I was scared. I was drunk and..I walked in front of the car..."

"Is that all you remember?" He nods, making the two leave the room with Daniel following. "He looks like he's gonna need some treatment." She tells Daniel. "Treatment?" He scoffed. "He is trying here.."

Before Daniel walked back into the room, "you better arrest that woman." he says blankly, earning her to give him a sad look.

A few hours later, he let Demetri and Olivia visit. Thomas although was currently going to Miguel's room, he clings onto his crutches as he made his way in. A smile crept on his face, "look at us." He chuckles. "We ended up in the same hospital together. I guess you can say we are neighbors."

Thomas looked at his body, he didn't care if Miguel couldn't hear him. He was happy he could see him, that he could see every inch of Miguel. "Honestly, you were the only one who stopped me from wanting to leave...everything." Tom grabs his hand, intertwining their fingers together.

"I love you, dork.." He smiled, wiping a tear off his cheek. "P-please..wake up." His voice broke, closing his eyes tight to stop the tears from falling. Tom had to leave, mostly because he didn't wanna sob himself out and making a scene. He got into his room, seeing Demetri and Oli turn around.

Olivia looked like she was crying all day, which she was. When she got the news about him and Miguel, she sobbed her eyes out. "You're okay.." Olivia went and hugged him, tears streaming down her cheeks. Thomas smiled brightly, happy to see the two. "I'm alright..."

"Hey man.." Demetri and him hugged, it was long and tight. Tom then sat himself on the bed with the help of the two, smiling as they succeeded. "You alright?" Demetri questions, sitting next to Oli. "Yeah, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would." He jokes, making them laugh.

"When are you coming back to school?" She asks him. "Hopefully soon." He answered with a shrug. "How's uh...how's Sam?" Tom looked up. Oli looked down, "she still feels bad." Deme answers for her.

"I'll talk to her soon...I understand how she feels." Thomas sighs, rubbing his eyes. "God, I swear when I'm out of here we're doing weed I don't care." He complains. "God, stop complaining. You sound like a baby.." Olivia rolled her eyes.

He was laughing with them, and for once he didn't feel any numbness.

-- LIV!
in honor of cobra kai
season three coming
on the first, here's this
:) and uhh, hi

-- LIV!in honor of cobra kai season three coming on the first, here's this :) and uhh, hi

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