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WHEN Thomas got the news, he sobbed with happiness. Miguel woke up, he was awake, after everything, he woke up. Samantha wanted to talk to him, she wanted to explain and apologize. Thomas was of course sitting in the waiting room, texting the group chat between him, Demetri, Oli, and Gray.

"Hey." Sam spoke, walking into Miguel's room. He looks at the girl, his expression blank. "Hey.." He softly said. "I hope it's ok, me just showing up like this.."

"W-why are you here?" He questioned. Samantha had a horrible feeling in her gut, "i am....so so sorry for what I did.." She sighs. "Sorry for what? Trying to kiss me, then telling everyone I wasn't in love with Tom?"

Samantha looked down, more guilt rushing towards her. "I'm sorry...if I could take it back, I would." Miguel nodded, shutting his eyes then opening them back up. "Just...." He trailed off, "is he okay?"

"Mhm...he's getting better." She answered for him. "Is he here?" Sam nodded, "i just really wanted to make amends..." After she said that, Sam just left the room. Thomas's head shot up and from the look on her face he knew Miguel didn't forgive her.

"You okay?" He asked her, putting his phone in his pocket. "Mhm." She nods. "You can see him." With that, Thomas got up with the help of Sam. "I'll be back." He takes a deep breath, going towards his room.

Tom had so many different emotions going through his body, excitement, fear, love, they were all over the place. "Hey." Tom spoke. Miguel shot his head towards the boy, a big smile on his face. "Hey."

But that smile immediately dropped as he saw the crutches, "y-your leg..." He says curiously. "Lady didn't see me walking on the street." Tom chuckled. "W-what?" He didn't chuckle, "i'm fine." Tom gets closer to him, "i missed you...like a lot."

The two smile at each other, "i am...so sorry." He spoke again. "For what?" Miguel asks. "If I didn't- no no, don't speak like that." He quickly reassures. He grabbed Tom's hand, intertwining their fingers. "You did nothing wrong, Tommy." His cheeks lit up again, causing Miguel to smirk.

"Don't even think about it." Thomas chuckles. "You're blushing." God, how much he missed hearing him say that. "Whatever." He smiled. "I missed seeing that smile." Miguel pursed his lips, "cuddle with me?"

Tom immediately agreed, trying his best to scoot Miguel. "Can you close the door?" He asked. The teen looks at him, confused. "Please." With that, he just agreed and closed it. Now, he had to try and get on the bed.

He was really good at it, doing a whole bunch of stuff with his crutches. He got on the bed, putting his crutches down as he laid next to him. "How's your leg?" Asked Miguel. "I should get off the crutches soon.."

Tom lays his head on Miguel's chest, a smile on his face. "I love you." He looks up, their faces inches apart. "I love you too." Miguel whispered. Thomas was about to kiss him but, immediately Miguel said, "not here."

Tom nodded, having a pit feeling in his stomach. "Alright.." He nodded, leaning his head back on his chest. Then with that, Tom was the one to slowly fall asleep.


Oli sighed as she looks at her mother, she was drunker than shit. Olivia of course, was cleaning the kitchen. It was like this all the time, her mom would get drunk, trash the house and she would have to clean up the mess or she's grounded. The apartment was a mess, papers and paper plates were trashed all over the living room floor.

Her mother always she'll pick it up, but Melissa always ends up not doing it. She heard a knock on the door, so the teen sighed and walked towards it. "I don't wanna hear any...any....any..." Her mother drunkly explains, almost losing her balance which caused her to roll her eyes. "Dont roll your eyes at me, damn it!" She yells.

Olivia opens the door and her stomach dropped instantly as she saw Demetri and the others behind him, they were angry. "What is it?" She quickly closes the door, going with them out the hallway. "Cobra Kai jumped Nathaniel. After the car wash for Miguel yesterday." Chris answers.

"They took the money."

She froze, an angry feeling coming towards her. "Yeah! They said it was theirs, and everyone was going to know it's from Cobra Kai." Nathaniel told her. He was covered in so much blood and bruises. "Are we going to Cobra Kai?" Oli asks them. "We need to go tell Sam and Tom. Now." Chris recommend.

"Okay. Hold on let me tell my mom." Olivia went back inside the apartment, seeing her mom was already passed out on the floor. There was puke, the bottle spilled on the floor. Olivia sighs, seeing she was laying on the dirty piles of garbage on the floor.

She used a towel to bring her head away from the puke, then putting a pillow on her head for support. What she didn't know was Demetri was watching, he followed the girl. He felt so bad, seeing Oli doing this and seeing how messy the house was. He even felt bad because he followed her.

"Is she okay?" He spoke, making her jump. "What are you doing in here?!" Oli exclaims as she picked up the bottle.

"I-I wanted to meet your mother real quick..." He looked down. "N-No...its fine. Shes fine, just sick. Come on." Olivia grabs his hand, the two came out of the apartment. There was angry Oli, her blood was boiling at how angry the girl was.

Meanwhile, Thomas and Samantha were with Tom's nurse. Amanda and Daniel were at work, so it was just the two. "Does this hurt?" She asks as the lady bends his leg a bit. "No.." He answered. "Is that good?" Asked Sam. "Yes. The severity of his fractures were not as bad, so we aren't surprised he is healing pretty fast." She explained.

The two twins share smiles, glad that there was some good news. "Next week you should be able to be off the cast in no-time. If not, then wait one more week." She smiles, signing her papers. "Good." Tom smiled again. "Have a good night you two." She says before packing up and leaving.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, "wait here." Samantha sighed, going over and opening it. "Hey, what's up?" She asked them confused. "Is your dad here?" Asked Olivia who had her arms crossed. Sam had a weird feeling, seeing all of their angry expressions. "No. He's at work, why?"

"Cobra Kai took the money and..." Demetri trailed off. Nathaniel comes in, pushing them all. "They kicked the shit out of me." He told them, finishing Demetri's sentence.

-- LIV!
bro imagine if thomas
we're to do karate LMAO
also blame google for how
stupid thomas's shit was thanks

-- LIV!bro imagine if thomas we're to do karate LMAOalso blame google for how stupid thomas's shit was thanks

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𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now