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season one

episode one, ace degenerate

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episode one, ace degenerate.

HIS FINGERS tremble, slightly shaking from anxiety. "We're almost done, Thomas now may you roll up your sleeves, please?" He looks up at the lady, a soft smile on her face while she clicked her pain in patience.

Thomas let out a annoyed sigh before he stood up and rolls up his sleeves, revealing the faded lines on his wrists. "Thighs, please."

He unbuckles his belt, pulling his pants down a bit to show her his thighs which were blank. "You did good today." She smiles even more brightly as she scribbled on the paper attached to the clipboard. Thomas pulled his pants back up, "Thanks..I guess." He mutters out softly. "Is your father picking you up?"

"Uh..yeah." He replies as they walk out of the room. It was like this every weekend, he went to therapy. Ever since his family found out he was cutting they were scared, like he was gonna kill himself or something which wasn't true at all.

Of course, Thomas never liked talking about his feelings so he figured if he pretended to be happy it'll be over soon. He wanted to stay good, but everything just kept falling apart at the exact moments it was getting better.

Sorry, I should probably warn you Thomas's life is extremely fucked up.

Tom felt like he lost something but he had no exact clue where or when he last had it, but soon he found out what he lost was himself.

Pressing the numbers on his cell phone, he brings it up to his ear. "May I help you?" His best friend Olivia asks. "I'm done, so do you wanna meet me at the mini mart? I'll buy us...whatever the hell we want to eat." He chuckles, "I'll meet you there in five." She hangs up the phone, leaving Thomas walking.

Olivia and Thomas met in third grade, since then the two have been best friends. They never had an argument or fight ( this was a lie ), the two were a perfect match and it was always just the two of them.

Surely though, they began to get closer after they realized how alike they were. Both of them suffered from abuse, they had no one but each other, they were lost. Extremely.

As soon as Thomas got there he already saw Oli leaning against the windows. "I was further and still made it first." She un-crosses her arms. "Just...shut up and follow me." The two chuckled and entered the store. "Aren't you too rich to be in here?" The man jokes.

Thomas rolled his eyes, passing by a boy in the medicine aisle. "Okay, chose your pick, Oli." He chuckles as they landed in the candy section. Olivia quickly picked out some snacks, excitement running through her body. "Listen, I got more of the mary jane." She whispered.

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now