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season one

episode ten, no mercy

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episode ten, no mercy.

THOMAS looks at Miguel, "You sure your gonna be fine without me?" He asks. "Yes, I'll be fine, babe." Miguel smiled. "Alright alright, I'll be back tomorrow." He smiles. "Hurry up, you fucking whores!" Oli exclaims. Thomas looks down at Miguel's hand before kissing it softly. They both didn't care if anyone saw, Miguel blushed deeply. "Now look who's blushing." He teased before walking away with Olivia.

Samantha got in trouble for staying at Johnny's when she got drunk, now Robby isn't staying with them which kinda sucked. Today, for the first day of school Tom and Olivia were skipping school. "So, you and Miguel taking things to the next level now?" Oli asks.

"Jesus, Olivia, noisy much? How are you and Demetri? Are you guys gonna fuck? Are you telling everyone?" He mocks Oli, making the teen punch his friend in the shoulder. "Eat shit." She laughs as the two pass by the Cobra Kai place.

They head towards the alley, the sun disappeared on them, making the area form a shade of dark blue. They sit on the couch, "What if there's bugs on here or some shit?" Thomas asked. "Jesus, calm down Mr. Germaphobe."

Tom glared at her, "You regret skipping?" She asks. "Nah, plus it's the first day of school, what's the worst that can happen?" He asked as he watches Olivia take a hit of the joint. "I agree." She chuckled.

He hears his phone go off multiple times which he turned the ringer off once it was his turn to take a hit and once he was done he went back to his phone. Olivia sneezed loudly, making Tom jump and drop his phone in the cracks of the couch. "Dammit! You scared me." He exclaimed as he took another hit.

After he let the smoke out, Thomas reached his hand down and got his phone. He saw that he had a shit ton of missed calls from, Demetri, Caleb, his mom, his dad. "Shit! Oli, check your phone."

"Why?" She questions. "Just check it!" She grabs her phone, seeing a shiton of missed calls from Demetri, Hawk, Tory, she furrowed her eyebrows. "Did something happen at school?" She asks. Thomas called Miguel but he didn't answer.

Caleb called him, which he answered immediately. "Thomas! Tom! Something happened to uh... Miguel! He's in the hospital!" He exclaims loudly. "W-What?" He choked out. "He got into a fight, he got pushed off and he fell a few feet..."

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he hung up, shocked, feeling so many emotions. "Tom..." Olivia looked at him with tearful eyes. He ignored her and immediately walked away, going towards his house. He felt hot, like he couldn't breathe, he hated this feeling, he felt like everything was going right to shit.

Did he just hear Caleb correctly?

He took his jacket off, not caring that people saw his scars. Thomas gulped, entering his house in tears. The teen sobbed, he sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. He was scared, he didn't know what was gonna happen, god he was so scared.

"Thomas?! Tom?!" He hears his dad yell, he founds Tom sitting on the kitchen floor with tears. "Hey, don't cry alright? Sam's okay, she's alright. Come on, buddy, come on, you have to get up." Daniel begs softly as he tries to help him. "I don't care about Sam!" He yelled as he pushed his dad away from him.

"Tom, listen, it's alright. I understand Miguel was your friend, he's gonna be okay, I promise." He said. "Are you fucking stupid?! He wasn't my damn friend! He was my...my boyfriend!" He sobs again, burying his head into the counter.

"This is...This is your fault! This is why I didn't take karate in the first place, what if I get into a fight?! Huh? If you and that Johnny guy made up, I wouldn't be here, crying! If you didn't open up that stupid dojo, we would've spent more time together this summer!" He yells, his face turning red from all the anger that was stuck inside him.

"Hey! Breathe. Okay? Breathe..." The teen did as told, breathing to get himself under control. "I'm sorry, alright? I'm sorry..." His face turned blank, like he failed his son. Thomas ignores him and walked out of the house, the amount of calls and texts he left Miguel made his mood change even more.

It was now nighttime, a few hours after the news of Miguel. There was Thomas, sitting on a curb drinking a bottle of gin he stole from his fathers cabinet. His eyes were red and puffy, his nose was stuffed, everything sucked.

No matter what happens, he knew something or someone was going to punish him when things get better. Thomas was drunk, he texted his parents saying he was going to spend the night at Oli's so they wouldn't worry.

He saw him in the hospital, through the window. He wanted to do so many things to himself, he had his laugh echoing in his head, he had the blushing joke stuck in his mind, his smile, his body, the way he smelled, when he said I love you back.

Thomas drunkenly crosses the street, looking down as more tears escape his eyes.

And, that lady didn't see thomas walking drunkly on the street once her phone dropped.


Olivia was eating dinner with her mother, moving her food around with a fork. "So, school called me." She takes a sip of her drink. "Yeah...t-the fight was- no, you weren't at school today."

Anxiety ran over her, making her look down. "Skipping school now? What are you? Some badass?" She rolled her eyes. "I'm not." She argued back. "Don't argue with me."

"You know, I'm gonna have to punish you in some sort of way. As a parent, it is my job." She explains, making Oli look down with a gulp. "How about, you wash the dishes and clean the kitchen?" She recommends. Olivia looked at her, a small smile on her face. "O-Okay.."

Suddenly, when she wasn't looking, her mother pushed her plates down on the floor. The sound of them breaking caused her to lean her body on the wall, covering her face since she was scared.

"You sick little brat!" She yelled as she threw a glass bowl above her. Olivia looked at her shakily, removing the glass stuck in her face. "That was your fault." She smirked before walking away upstairs.

This wasn't supposed to be a good night, a good year, it was just the beginning.

we stan two bf's
bouta be in the same
hospital 😁😁

-LIV!we stan two bf's bouta be in the samehospital 😁😁BUT GUYS- THOMAS ISNT DEAD SO CHILL

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